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Forums - Sony Discussion - 12 HD Killzone 2 Single Player mode videos!!!

I fully expect Uncharted 2 and God of War III to at least match Killzone 2 in most areas, if not surpass it.

I find that very hard to believe. Killzone 2 must surely be pushing the PS3 to limits already. It's graphics are just insane, and I really can't picture either of those games supassing it.

But I guess we'll be finding out in a week and a half, either way.

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Jackson50 said:

I understood your point, but you said you could care less that I was a fanboy. That means you cared some, at the very least. It is a minor issue, but you must keep it within context...I posted it in response to someone who was equally excited about something minor...a headshot. I understand guarded optimism for this game. I pray it does well and that it is enjoyable. I do not, however, believe Guerrilla has created anything worthwhile that justifies the hype this game is receiving and will be there to temper this unwarranted hype. 



I can taste your tears as you typed that out.


Guerilla hasn't created anything special? Really?  How about the most immersive, graphically/arstically impressive shooter on consoles.  The game does it all, it has the vehichle sections, it has the animations, it has the features in multiplayer mode, and it has the best guns I have ever seen in a shooter. 


You obviously have never played the beta, probably will never play the game or buy a PS3, and even if you do, your so blinded with your 360 shades - that you fail to actually see the game for what it is - A fucking landmark achievement in cinematic gaming.


This fanboy trump card bullshit is ridiculous.  I hate how people come in here pretending to be objective while really they have an agenda against the game. Gears of War 2 was awesome, Bioshock was awesome, Mass effect was awesome.  MGS 4 was awesome, Uncharted was awesome, LBP was awesome, Resistance 2 was awesome.  Take off your fanboy goggles and think twice before spewing your filth in here.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

I think someone posted the info in another thread, but from what he says, this game is still using a ton of the work on the PPU :P Only graphical works was really moved over to the SPU's for this ^^ Just imagine this engine utilizing even more of the PS3 architecture :P

Sony dev's have some beasty powers I'll tell you that much xD Expect Uncharted 2 and GoW 3 to push some serious tech ;) Imagine if you will, that at the time Uncharted was released, they thought they were only using maybe 30%. That was with what they had optimized at the time. Add more optimizations, more tricks, and your going to have some breakneck footage :)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Jackson50 said:
bbsin said:....listen, I'm not getting into a stupid fanboy argument with you. You say you're not a fanboy? fine. whatever. Good for you. I never said or implied that you were. You probably thought I did, but that's only because you missed my point. I honestly don't care.

As for people going nuts for a game such as Killzone2, why do you care? You're the prime example of those types of people that wait for fans to get excited for a product, only to step in and break up the hype. In otherwords, you're a nitpicking troll. You know for a fact that it's a minor issue and every game does the same thing, yet you bring it up just because you feel that others are getting too excited about it? Give me a break.

If you don't think KZ2 is worth the attention, then why not ignore it?

I understood your point, but you said you could care less that I was a fanboy. That means you cared some, at the very least. It is a minor issue, but you must keep it within context...I posted it in response to someone who was equally excited about something minor...a headshot. I understand guarded optimism for this game. I pray it does well and that it is enjoyable. I do not, however, believe Guerrilla has created anything worthwhile that justifies the hype this game is receiving and will be there to temper this unwarranted hype. 


lol so your just here to basically tramp on everyones parade ?


Trolling ?


.. in either case i'm looking forward to play it :P

Check out my game about moles ^

talkingparrot said:I can taste your tears as you typed that out.Guerilla hasn't created anything special? Really?  How about the most immersive, graphically/arstically impressive shooter on consoles.  The game does it all, it has the vehichle sections, it has the animations, it has the features in multiplayer mode, and it has the best guns I have ever seen in a shooter. 

 You obviously have never played the beta, probably will never play the game or buy a PS3, and even if you do, your so blinded with your 360 shades - that you fail to actually see the game for what it is - A fucking landmark achievement in cinematic gaming.

 This fanboy trump card bullshit is ridiculous.  I hate how people come in here pretending to be objective while really they have an agenda against the game. Gears of War 2 was awesome, Bioshock was awesome, Mass effect was awesome.  MGS 4 was awesome, Uncharted was awesome, LBP was awesome, Resistance 2 was awesome.  Take off your fanboy goggles and think twice before spewing your filth in here.

Ah, I am not as enthralled with KZ2 as everyone I must be a fanboy. No tears here, my fervent yet misinformed friend. I do own a PS3. In fact, I have purchased all of the recent titles on my PS3 because my wonky 360 has RROD on me...again. My filth? Hardly. I have praised the graphical achievement of KZ2. It is nothing short of astounding. Yes, I have not played the beta. No, Guerrilla has not created anything special. Perhaps I should have said Guerrilla has not hitherto the release of KZ2 created anything special-KZ and Nam 67. Because of Guerrilla's record, I do not believe the game deserves the hype it has and is receiving.



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@Jackson, believe it or not, I understand where your coming from :P I'm not going to trash you to all hell, I would recommend however that you play the PSP Killzone ^^ It's amazing! The company is very much so capable of making a decent title ^^ They just seem like a company that needs more power to flex to realize some of they're visions. Maybe a bit to ambitious if you ask me (but then again, in the shooter market, you kind of have to be :/ ). It looks like they're going to put out an amazing piece of software for the PS3.

If you assume that they're goals and aspirations were to create an immersive experience that can really put you into the feel of the game (the obvious amazing graphics, the well animated motions, minimal hud display, awesome hit response etc etc.), then I think they're doing a pretty fantastic job :P From what I gathered before, it really seemed like they wanted to make a game that put you in a war, that really put you into something bigger, and I feel they're doing a pretty good job :P

On topic, I thought the game couldn't possibly look any better, but OMG @ the desert level!!! I mean seriously! OMG!

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Jo21 said:


thats looking to be the best game EVER O.O

gameplay not appeling? it's a f*cking shooter, you point and shoot >_>.

Yeah but they make it look so boring. The boss battle video was so boring. All he was doing was shooting that thing to eletrocute the boss. Resistance 2, on the other hand, had pretty awesome gameplay vids especially the boss battles. After playing R2, I seriously doubt KZ2 will be better.

Jackson50, I'm with you all the way.

Mirson said:Jackson50, I'm with you all the way.

There were two lampstands illmunating the darkness that blinded all; two voices crying in the wilderness, but none would heed their message. That is you and I, my friend. We split the rocks of ignorance that obscure the light of knowledge.


@Jackson, it sounds to me like your harder to please :P Killzone 2 will have high production values, and will be fun if you allow it to be ^^

I simply thing your "message" is ill informed :P If you can't allow yourself to get hyped for a game like Killzone 2, then I feel sorry for you :(

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

ChronotriggerJM said:
@Jackson, it sounds to me like your harder to please :P Killzone 2 will have high production values, and will be fun if you allow it to be ^^

I simply thing your "message" is ill informed :P If you can't allow yourself to get hyped for a game like Killzone 2, then I feel sorry for you :(

I have guarded anticpation for the game. In fact, it is #4 on my VGC "most wanted" list. I simply desire for my fellow gamers to temper their expectations.