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talkingparrot said:I can taste your tears as you typed that out.Guerilla hasn't created anything special? Really?  How about the most immersive, graphically/arstically impressive shooter on consoles.  The game does it all, it has the vehichle sections, it has the animations, it has the features in multiplayer mode, and it has the best guns I have ever seen in a shooter. 

 You obviously have never played the beta, probably will never play the game or buy a PS3, and even if you do, your so blinded with your 360 shades - that you fail to actually see the game for what it is - A fucking landmark achievement in cinematic gaming.

 This fanboy trump card bullshit is ridiculous.  I hate how people come in here pretending to be objective while really they have an agenda against the game. Gears of War 2 was awesome, Bioshock was awesome, Mass effect was awesome.  MGS 4 was awesome, Uncharted was awesome, LBP was awesome, Resistance 2 was awesome.  Take off your fanboy goggles and think twice before spewing your filth in here.

Ah, I am not as enthralled with KZ2 as everyone I must be a fanboy. No tears here, my fervent yet misinformed friend. I do own a PS3. In fact, I have purchased all of the recent titles on my PS3 because my wonky 360 has RROD on me...again. My filth? Hardly. I have praised the graphical achievement of KZ2. It is nothing short of astounding. Yes, I have not played the beta. No, Guerrilla has not created anything special. Perhaps I should have said Guerrilla has not hitherto the release of KZ2 created anything special-KZ and Nam 67. Because of Guerrilla's record, I do not believe the game deserves the hype it has and is receiving.