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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ghostbusters relaunch trailer, release date, and new progress report

Gamerace said:

I expect mediocrity from this title. If reviews prove me wrong then it'll get my attention. ....maybe.

Edit: No offense if you're working on this twesterm.   It's just seems like another movie license game (sans movie) and well, you know.


Can't blame a person for having an opinion, though I will say it isn't just another movie license game since there is no movie to tie it into.

Movie license games generally suck because there's a very short development time and the game has to pigeon holed into a very specific story and timeline of events.  This game doesn't have to deal with either of those.


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This game still looks entirely bitchin', Twesterm. I'll be picking it up, if only to heckle you for it.

Or check out my new webcomic:

twesterm said:
Onyxmeth said:

Seeing as Ghostbusters is the single greatest piece of cinema ever released, I must own this game in June. Do not dissappoint me twest. You have a lot to live up to. Remember this?

Don't worry, we'll be better than that. 


 Setting the bar a little low with that one aren't you? Can't wait to try this one out honestly. Almost anytime I can fight the Stay Puft marshmallow man is a good time for me.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
twesterm said:
Onyxmeth said:

Seeing as Ghostbusters is the single greatest piece of cinema ever released, I must own this game in June. Do not dissappoint me twest. You have a lot to live up to. Remember this?

Don't worry, we'll be better than that. 


 Setting the bar a little low with that one aren't you? Can't wait to try this one out honestly. Almost anytime I can fight the Stay Puft marshmallow man is a good time for me.

You know, funny thing is I actually remember liking that game as a kid and what's even funnier is so do most other people that played the game as a kid (even the NES version).  Now anyone that plays it (myself included) thinks it's absolute garbage but it's still just funny that so many people have fond memories of such a bad game.


cool, i love the movies. cant wait for them to be released on blu-ray and also will get this game as well on launch day.





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twesterm said:

You know, funny thing is I actually remember liking that game as a kid and what's even funnier is so do most other people that played the game as a kid (even the NES version).  Now anyone that plays it (myself included) thinks it's absolute garbage but it's still just funny that so many people have fond memories of such a bad game.


 That seems true of a lot of the older games. I used to play Altered Beast, or the NES Ninja Turtle game for hours on end. I can't touch those piles of crap today though. I think it shows just how much the industry as a whole as improved.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Awesome stuff.

June is so long away, though. :(

I want this game so bad....

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Great release date, just about a week before my birthday. The only problem is that I'll be in Europe for most of June. =(
As a Ghostbusters fan, I am definitely exited for this game... I'm gonna go watch the movies now. =D

Wow. The Wii version looks totally cartoony.

I'm expecting good things from this title.