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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii60 Advice Needed: Christmas Present for my Ex-Gamer Father

Umbrella Chronicles sounds like a good one

Maybe No More Heroes it is a hardcore game, yet it's very chilled out and filled with humor and action with great use of the Wii Mote.

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Lolcislaw said:
Umbrella Chronicles sounds like a good one

Maybe No More Heroes it is a hardcore game, yet it's very chilled out and filled with humor and action with great use of the Wii Mote.

I think No More Heroes may come across as too esoteric for him... He doesn't like Quentin Tarantino movies and tends to hate the work of auteurs in general. Not a bad idea, still. I'll think about it.

All right, for anybody interested, me and my brother have decided to hit him with a double whammy: the little guy will be getting him Umbrella Chronicles (and buying a second Wiimote at long last), and I'm going to get him Red Steel. Between the two of those on the easiest difficulties, there's bound to be something he likes.

Thanks for the advice, everybody. You're all just peachy.

Khuutra said:
All right, for anybody interested, me and my brother have decided to hit him with a double whammy: the little guy will be getting him Umbrella Chronicles (and buying a second Wiimote at long last), and I'm going to get him Red Steel. Between the two of those on the easiest difficulties, there's bound to be something he likes.

Thanks for the advice, everybody. You're all just peachy.


If you plan on buying him Red Steel, why not buy him Call of Duty WaW or Medal of Honour Heroes 2? Also FPS, also quite easy and much better controls (adjustable controls means you can adjust them to your fathers level).

RE:UC is an excellent choice. Also consider House of the Dead and Ghost Squad. These are more arcadey (but less of a story and lesser graphics). 

You know, that's a good idea too, I suppose. I hadn't considered getting him WW2 games - but I don't know whether or not he minds playing a game pantomiming history's greatest tragedy. I'll try to find out through my little brother. I just thought he'd like slashing Yakuza with a katana? You do that in the game, don'tcha?

House of the Dead is also something I considered, but getting him two zombie-based on-rails lightgun shooters might be a bit much.

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I guess I'm late to the party, but I'd still like to give my two cents. You said he had Nintendo consoles, so if he liked Mario back in the days, Galaxy must be your first choice. It is pick up and play, but still kinda hardcore; it is easy as long as you don't want to get all the stars and it is retro. But you said he wants guns, so if he didn't like Mario games back then, you better go with an FPS.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

He loves Mario, but he never really got into Mario 64. That's where my passion for games passed up his.

My little brother already owns Galaxy, to boot. It could be fun to get him to play, though, especially with my little brother doing the assist.

I think Red Steel is a good suggestion if only for the Split-screen multiplayer that he could play with your brother. The story mode is pretty entertaining too and not too hard... until you get further in. Then the sword fighting becomes a real bitchfest. I gave up on storymode after a while 'cause trying to win at some of those sword fights over and over just wasn't fun.

But for split-screen multiplayer you should consider Quantum of Solace too.

Actually, I'm loving Tomb Raider on Wii because - not too much gun play but enough to keep it interesting (takes a little getting use to), good use of motion controls (mostly rubbing images is pretty lame), and LOTS of save spots which is great for people who don't play for long periods.  You reach a new checkpoint every few minutes so I can pick up and play Tomb Raider even if I only have 5-10 minutes and still feel like I advanced in the game.  Nice blend of action and puzzling.


Khuutra said:
He loves Mario, but he never really got into Mario 64. That's where my passion for games passed up his.

My little brother already owns Galaxy, to boot. It could be fun to get him to play, though, especially with my little brother doing the assist.


 Alright, I'd definitely try to get him play it, but if he didn't like Mario 64, it will be difficult. New Super Mario Bros. would probably be a great choice, but without a DS it is difficult, and the only side-scrolling platformer on the Wii would be Wario Land.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)