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Forums - Sales Discussion - Others Sales up, what happened to Resistance 2??? Resistance 2 only sold 142k is there a reason for that? because i was hearing out of 600k openings. I never thought itd do that nobody seems interested, from all my PS3 friends that had Resistance only 3 have Resistance 2 and 1 of them who was obsessed with Resistance said Res 2 sucks and hes gone back to COD5.

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You gave the reason in your own post. I think people prefer COD5 above R2 this season. Sales might pick up next year though

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


NA and EU has been owned.. the last interesting place will be japan. ps3 looking good with gundam musou2 and white knight chronicles comin soon

Is Resistance 2 even any good?

Resistance 2 isn't as big as some sonyboys imagine. But the "Gears vs. Resistance" threads were so funny XD

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Now that both games are out, Id personally much rather play R2 than COD:WaW. But a sequel to COD4 was surely to win over a sequel to Resistance 1. Sequel to briliant game overshadowed a sequel to a mediocre one...even tho the actual mediocre sequel was better than the sequel to the brilliant....ughhh where am I?

They're low.

Apparently someone said that the game wasn't in wide circulation due to some error in shipments in a few countries, but who knows if that's true or not, I don't live in EU.

Provided that story is false, then it's pretty horrible for the game. But hopefully it'll pull a Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and stay there for a while.

DMeisterJ said:
They're low.

Apparently someone said that the game wasn't in wide circulation due to some error in shipments in a few countries, but who knows if that's true or not, I don't live in EU.

Provided that story is false, then it's pretty horrible for the game. But hopefully it'll pull a Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and stay there for a while.


Also, take into consideration that it has only been on sale for 2 days, so you can expect ~ the same results next week as this week rather than the typical 50% drop off.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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That's 2 days worth of sales. It's not Gears of War, but only the extreme fringe thought it would be. R2 is a solid, but not great game. I think the cooperative play is one of the better gaming experieince offerred on the PS3 this year.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Hate to break it to some people but the game is in stock everywhere here in the UK. The game is doing so badly that it has already had £10 taken off the price (25%).

A game that was low on stock would not do that obviously. Would expect to see the game hit the bargin bins in the next week or so.