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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why Wii still sale like hot cake??

thx1139 said:


It is utter bullshit. The post acted like MS tool the old (pre-falcon) machines and retrofited them into the 360 Arcades. Console failures (like any type of electronic component) will always be around. Since the falcon the root cause of why there were so many 3 red light codes (also known as RRoD) has been fixed. The 3 red lights is a code for troubleshooting. As long as a 360 can overheat for any reason there will be a potential for 3 red lights.

Part of the reason the 360 is now doing so much better is because the high failure rate has been corrected. Sure some older units have the issue (thus the 3 year warranty from purchase). Sure some new units may have an issue just like any PS3 or Wii could fail. The public believes that the issue has been corrected and the failure rates for a brand new 360 is around the same as the failure rate for a PS3 or Wii.

Back to original question. "Why Wii still sale like hot cakes?". I dont know the answer, but I do know the answer certainly isnt the software.

Actually, its not utter bullshit. I'll try to respond to your post, sifting through the poor grammar. 

The core of the problem was fixed with the changed in the GPU with the better sized nm, which offset a lot of the issues, as previously mentioned. The arcade units were the last to be updated, it has nothing to do do with retrofiting, but a surplus of existing boards ready to be thrown into the console. They wrapped up their supply of the older boards with the arcade, officially switching over in late October. This is as precise as it gets, simple business strategy, and the reality of it. Its not bullshit, its not made up, its what happened. Argue till you're blue in the face, this is the situation that has been wth the Arcade units, which still had some ofthe older version GPU consoles in stores as recent as last month.  That supply has likely dwindled away by now, so it's a safer bet to get one of the improved units. Of course, just looking at the manufacture date on the side of the box will allow you to determine this.


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SeeVuPlay said:

Most wii Owners I know do not play games on it anymore. This appears to be pretty consistent across gaming forums as well. Beyond WiiSports and Wii Play, they dont buy anything else. I have a 360 and a Wii.....if someone wanted to trade a PS3 for the Wii, I would gladly do it. It's just not fun.

From what I have seen, a non-gamer gets introduced to the Wii, the gaming system theyve been hearing so much about. They think "this is really cool! I mimic bowling and my character actually does the bowling!" then that person buys one and introduces his new toy to another non-gamer type, and it goes on and on. For most of them, after 2 weeks, the Wii sits and collects dust, while millions more are being sold.

It caught on like wildfire!




Welcome to the forum. I'd suggest against posting statements like this, as they've been debunked on this site. Should you like to enjoy your time here, you're going to need more logic than the "the people I know" proof to your statements. While it works on sites like gamespot, it doesn't fly here.


newbs...if they let their Wii catch's because they don't know about any more games..they wouldn't know..unless Nintendo advertises it..since ALL 3d parties aim to sell either to kids only..or in gaming magazines..

you NEED to advertise your product..or else nobody will's one of the reasons 3d party games don't sell

bardicverse said:
SeeVuPlay said:




 I'd suggest against posting statements like this, as they've been debunked on this site. Should you like to enjoy your time here, you're going to need more logic than the "the people I know" proof to your statements. While it works on sites like gamespot, it doesn't fly here.


thanks for the welcome and the suggestion....I think I'll be fine though.  The "debunk" from this site contradicts my experience.  No one has to believe it LOL. 

Now what will happen to me? will my head be in that Guillotine?


It was destined to win and sell millions right from the moment the name 'Wii' was announced and everyone had a good giggle.

Strange how it's just a normal name now and it doesn't even cross my mind how funny and unusual it was at the time.

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Neos said:
because cake is great, especially hot cake

amazing, an instant classic!

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

thx1139 said:

 It is utter bullshit. The post acted like MS tool the old (pre-falcon) machines and retrofited them into the 360 Arcades.  Console failures (like any type of electronic component) will always be around. Since the falcon the root cause of why there were so many 3 red light codes (also known as RRoD) has been fixed.   The 3 red lights is a code for troubleshooting. As long as a 360 can overheat for any reason there will be a potential for 3 red lights.

Part of the reason the 360 is now doing so much better is because the high failure rate has been corrected. Sure some older units have the issue (thus the 3 year warranty from purchase).  Sure some new units may have an issue just like any PS3 or Wii could fail.  The public believes that the issue has been corrected and the failure rates for a brand new 360 is around the same as the failure rate for a PS3 or Wii.

Back to original question. "Why Wii still sale like hot cakes?".    I dont know the answer, but I do know the answer certainly isnt the software.


It is the software, indeed


Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

Because if you open up your Wii, there's actually a hot cake inside!

Signature goes here!

There are (obviously) some people who have bought a Wii who don't play it much, just there are people who own an XBox 360 or PS3 that don't play it much, but sales of software leads me to believe that this is not an unusually large portion of the userbase in comparison to other systems.

To explain why the Wii is successful I will ask another question:

If Guitar Hero or RockBand decided to take themself far more seriously, added a lot more complexity in order to make it a better band simulation, and began focusing on realistic graphics and gameplay at the expense of artistic style and pick-up-and-play fun would these games continue to be as successful?


Stan Gable said:
Don't you know? According to PS3 Fanboys (aka tools) the Wii is just a fad and in 2009 the PS3 will surpass the total number of sales of the Wii




PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8