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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Girlfriend Vs. Game (Part 1)

^^^ true, I suppose, but you have to realize that there's more to how you act in a relationship than just being a guy. Personality plays a part, for example. You might be a player, might be obbessive-compulsive, might be clingy or needy, might be chill, etc. For as many personalities are out there, there are different ways a girl is used to being dealt with. It all comes down to how serious you are with your relationship, and how you want to be remembered - the a-hole ex, or the boyfriend that the girl will have regretted leaving

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Well bugrimmar, you should maybe decide what the relationship is really about. If you really don't care about her, then you shouldn't have a problem coming up with a better lie or being blunt (doesn't really matter). If you actually care about her, then you should act like a man and tough it out, and get over the self-serving immediate gratification you get from video games.

@Khuutra, I'm glad someone else gets as annoyed as I do when someone is ignorantly racist by grouping many cultures together based on slight appearance similarities. It's similar to grouping all white people together as Westerners and start pointing out faults found in the many cultures throughout western society and labeling to all caucasians.

Thank you, largedarryl, we are in general agreement.

Also, bugrimmar? Claiming that everyone is a "scumbag" neither makes it true nor in any way justifies behaving so deplorably.

You're only a scumbag if you wanna believe it. If I believed in the same religion my family did, half the crap I do would be a sin and I'd probably be considered a scumbar in some way but screw that.

Maybe things are just different here in the US er somethin, but if your girl finds out you lied just to play some R2, you're likely to get dumped or cheated on. If none of that happens, she's desperate. Sex also is rarely ever just a "default" thing.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

lolita said:
bugrimmar said:
lolita said:
This whole thing makes you sound like an asshole... Except that I agree Twilight is utter crap.


i'm glad you agree that twilight is crap. coming from a girl, it means a lot to me :P

but hey, i don't deny that i'm a scumbag. we're all scumbags when we think about it

No, not me... I'm an angel.

Lolita, I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but you are an angel


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Maybe if you show me some home videotapes of you and your girlfriend doing this so called act that you guys do together, I can come up with a better solution for you.


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bugrimmar said:
outlawauron said:
bugrimmar said:
superchunk said:
bugrimmar said:
superchunk said:
Meh. go to the movie, make her happy so she makes you happy later. Then play R2 late into the eve after she is asleep.

One rule to a happy life with a woman. If mama isn't happy, NO ONE is going to be happy.


i disagree. a man always has to look out for number 1 first.

By making her happy you are looking out for number 1 first. My #1 peice of my body that is.

i don't need to make her happy to make that piece of body happy. again, being in a relationship means sex is default. no need for any kind of pleasing first.


Why is it again a default? Just because you are in a relationship doesn't mean you just get laid.


1.) she's liberal

2.) she's asian.


That pretty stupid.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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............ really?.................. Go vagina!....................