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Forums - Sales Discussion - Whats the biggest lead the 360 has had over the PS3?

Everstar said:
The 360 might eclipix that lead of 7.14 before the end of the year then thats just crazy =-)


The second half of 2008 has been epic, as far as X360 sales is related. Of course, as epic as anything non-Nintendo branded can be.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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kowenicki said:
@ sqrl it means dont put yourself out updating your chart... I have up to date ones you can have.. just trying to be helpful.


Aah, ok, no its just changing a row number and the chart updates itself, and its something I should have done months ago =P

Actually it probably shows a bit, but that chart was designed for internal use by myself not for anything to do with an article etc.. Thats why the actual size is much larger than my normal stuff and the formatting/readability are all kind of bleh...

To Each Man, Responsibility
DMeisterJ said:
So, every since the PS3s inception, MS has not been able to widen the gap past where they were when they were the farthest. And PS3 gained back a lot of lost ground, during MS's peak year. Well done Sony, well done.

And Sony is about to lose it. Well done MS, well done.

The reasons being given for a PS3 revival are crazy.

Do people not realise that the longer the war rages the less potential purchasers remain.

Its simple mathematics !

How many 360 were sold before the PS3 launched?

Times Banned: 12

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Undying said:
How many 360 were sold before the PS3 launched?

XBox 360 install base was around 5.3 million when the PS3 was launched.

The XBox 360's biggest gap over PS3 is now at 7.7 million and rising. The previous biggest gap between 360 and PS3 was back in November 2007 when it was around 7.5 million.


By Jan 09 gap is 8 mill +. This is astonishing. 360 is going into third party exclusive territory now.

I hope the gap between XBox 360 and PS3 goes beyond 10 million in favour of XBox 360. This would be a clear protest to Sony, that they have failed to deliver this generation. High price tag of PS3 console is an insult to gamers and it it basically the same gaming experience as XBox 360. The average person cares very little for Blu-Ray.

TheBigFatJ said:
freedquaker said:

There is no doubt that the gap will diminish in the long and PS3 still has the chance to pass the 360 in the long run (2010 as earliest). There are two important points to look at here,

a) Is 360 persistently outselling PS3 by cumulative sales from the launch on a weekly basis? NO®1=All&cons2=PS3®2=All&cons3=X360®3=All&weeks=156
The green line (360) is NOT above the red line!

b) Does PS3 still have incredible exclusives? YES

As long as the answers are 1)No, and 2)Yes, PS3 is far from being doomed.


But the PS3's top exclusives have already gone to the 360 and the general view from gamers is that the 360 is the PS2 of this generation in terms of software.  It's the gamers' console.

The PS3 closing the gap by the end of 2010 at this point looks extremely unlikely.  Sony first needs to reverse the trend of the 360 outselling them every year, then they can look at outselling the 360 by 7 million units.


i dont see gran turismo 5 god of war 3 and killzone 2 on 360 >_> and FF it's a exclusive in japan and versus worldwide.

all games likely over 3-4 million sellers

according to microsoft shipments, they were ahead by something like 9- 10 million and now the shipments are like 5-6 million. so sony has gained a little bit. actually it has gained alot! it obviously zoomed past in japan and in europe they are only a million apart but its america where the ps3 has been slipping even further away.