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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - There's not enough threads about De Blob!

This game could have been a lot better if they installed some savepoints in the levels. Well, I think I played about 30 - 40 hours to complete this game 100%. I got hooked on making everything colourful and that's the biggest motivation to play this game - making every colourless thing colourful, it's addictive. I also like it how THQ put effort in creating a hilarous soundtrack - have to shake when I'm listening to „Euphoric", hehe.

Jumping with the Wiimote is unfortunately annoying, would be better to press A to jump. Putting colour into the buildings by shaking both Nunchuk and Wiimote is fun though, it makes you feel like you have to give all your power in order to transform the building and to turn the world into something better (or something like that) :).

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I still need to get De Blob (there are so many games that i need), i am very happy about Black Friday Sales 50k is a lot i hope it continues to sell well.

To me, de Blob is like a Katamari and Jet Set Radio lovechild. Epic game, my second favorite Wii game. I'm glad other people enjoy this game. It's so fresh and unique. This is the kind of game, third parties should shoot for when they make Wii titles.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Best part about this game is when i colored the blimp :p

Everyone needs to buy this game so I can play de Blob 2 in the future.

Around the Network

De BLob would make a great HD game title to download on XBL and PSN.
call it De BLoB : HD RemiX.

Phendrana said:
Everyone needs to buy this game so I can play de Blob 2 in the future.


I fully expect THQ to release a sequel.

My parents asked me to find a Wii for them so they could give it to my sister for xmas, so I found one in the city and it came with Big Beach Sports as a free game so thought that was a pretty good deal, especially as they were in stock.

Then I got home and found a advertisement for a retailer here in Australia that is offering De Blob as a free game with a Wii purchase. I couldn't believe it, had I known about it I would have got it from there and been able to get De Blob instead of some shovelware.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

stof said:
Do the levels get considerably more time constrained as you go? Because I'm about 5 levels in and the amount of challenges and Raydians to free mean I always have an abundance of time. I'll finish a level with 10 or 15 minutes left and 80% complete (with plenty of opportunities to get more time still available)


I have spent about 80-90 mins per level getting 100% in each before leaving.. and i still had a good 15mins or so to spare.. one thing i've found is, as long as you are doing challenges and freeing the radians, you aren't going to have trouble with time


@Infamy - bugger


Good to hear about all this. This may be my next buy for the Wii.

Hopefully word of mouth will bring it up to a million.

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