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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Kingdom hearts 2 producer, interested in the xbox 360

Stats87 said:
Shadowblind said:
Stats87 said:
I don't think SE is dumb enough to put it just on the 360. It would also make them hypocrites...more then they already are anyway.

Past experience dictates that Square couldn't care less about being hypocritical. See: Final Fantasy 7; Final Fantasy 13.


I know, hence the "more then they already are"

If they truly meant this "multiplatform maximization" thing, SO:TLH and FFvXIII would also have been declared as Multiplatform already.


Stats man... im starting to like you, you make alot of valid points. agree'd +1


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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Stats87 said:
Soriku said:
Stats87 said:
The only other KH spin-off you could possibly do now would be to control Mickey during the period of KH1/2. (where does he go really?)

Or an origins story where you play as the first Keyblade wielder...OOoooo, now I just intrigued myself.


Where does Mickey go in KH1/2 - 358/2 Days will explain that. :P

Origins story - This would be cool, but this is something like BBS. Not sure they want to make an origin of an origin lol.

BBS is an origins story for sure, but it's only 10 years before the first KH game I believe. So it's more of an origins to the events of KH1/2

I'm talking more of a full blow hundreds of years before the events in KH 1 and 2. Why/when/how the first Keyblade was made and who wielded it...only to find out that it is the Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great..... Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather of Sora, named...Aros.

I kind of have a feeling that Sora won't be the main character of KH3, but instead will just be a side character in the game. I'm sure I'm not alone in that sentiment.





I agree, i hope sora is no longer the main character of the KH Series, id rather have someone wiser and more badass and less emo/care-free someone like............. Zack!


Zack sucks.

Maybe Sora will have grown up, took off his clown shoes and went through puberty, now then KH3 would be AMAZING.


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Because everything wrong with Kingdom Hearts is in how kiddy it is, right?

Khuutra said:

Because everything wrong with Kingdom Hearts is in how kiddy it is, right?

No, but I do agree with everything Seraphic said. Well, except "Zack."


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250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

Really I just wish they'd get rid of all the Organization XIII stuff.

Give me flat-out Disney worlds with some Square/Enix characters and a sprinkling of Heartless, and I'm set.

We need lots of Disney to make it work, though.

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neither the xbox 360 nor the wii it's on the ps3.First of all the creator, director,and character designer of Kingdom hearts prefers the ps3 he even said so himself and don't yo think that they would use the same graphics as the ending of Kingdom hearts and at the beginning of kingdom hearts 2, for the whole game something the wii would never be able to achieve, and besides all of sora story is on the ps2 and Tetsuya Nomura said that Sora story isn't finished and that he'd give sora a break from Kingdom hearts,thus birth by sleep and 358/2 days.

^ Off to a slow start eh? Using the whole Nomura is a Sony fan argument has gotten old, and doesn't explain 2 KH games on Nintendo systems... and not only that but Nomura doesn't have the final choice in any of it... SE and Disney are businesses they go where the money is at, Disney owns the rights to KH and they could so choose where they wanted their IP to go, SE is the developer and publisher which means they have their word as well and I've already stated how SE likes to tailor games specific for each console.

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wow good for you nintendo got 2 spin-off/side-stories, and it still won't change the fact that the game will never come to the Wii because of it's average graphics and if they would do a kingdom hearts for the seventh generation it's either ps3/xbox 360 or ps3 exclusive and in any case it will still come out on the ps3.

Didn't someone say that depending on how well Kingdom Hearts on the DS or PSP do, the next main iteration might be either for Wii or PS3?

what are talking about what does the psp and nintendo ds sales of kingdom hearts have to do with kingdom hearts 3 on the ps3 or wii.