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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 1 outsold Resistance 2 first WEEK!!!

For one - I just can't justify buying ANOTHER top game for the PS3

What with Last Remnant, GeOW2 & Fable 2 to play on the 360

Littlebigplanet, Motorstorm, R2 and Fallout 3 on the PS3

*FYI I'm aware Fallout is on the 360 too, but I only get exclusives for the 360 now!

A lot of us are just 'gamed out' and need time to finish/play the quality titles we do have before buying the next one.

I'm waiting till after xmas to buy R2 and Fallout 3...
I expect a large % are doing the same.

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Resistance 2 is a flop compare to 360's fable, gears 2 sale.

to be fair R1 was the only real FPS on the console at the time

Cueil said:
to be fair R1 was the only real FPS on the console at the time

Very true. And it was the only really good one til Call of Duty 4 came out.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
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i think its more than call of duty that hurt its sales, many wanna enjoy that one great fps for the rest of the year and i believe many cant justify their purchase of resistance when killzone 2 is comin out in february.