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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 1 outsold Resistance 2 first WEEK!!!

resistance 1 first week was 180,000 while resistance 2 manages 140,000 in others FLOP?

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i shud've added in others on the title my bad

well. logically, R1 had 4 months of hype released in the states before the PS3 came out in being a launch title and already popular it was in huge demand.....

Will you make another thread when weeks 2, 3 and 4 all outsell others compared to R1 respectively as well?

Not to mention the UK shortages with R2

not a flop, but it definitely deserves more. I will have legs though so don't worry.

steverhcp02 said:
well. logically, R1 had 4 months of hype released in the states before the PS3 came out in being a launch title and already popular it was in huge demand.....

Will you make another thread when weeks 2, 3 and 4 all outsell others compared to R1 respectively as well?

Not to mention the UK shortages with R2


 it still deserves more, but ya i agree with the shortages and ya i know it will havee legs but compared to some people on this site saying it would be 2 or 3 times as much as r1 it is pretty dissapointing styll

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It was a launch game... and was like the only halfway decent one at that.

segajon said:
not a flop, but it definitely deserves more. I will have legs though so don't worry.

Glad to hear that. It's not fun being without legs.

OT: It won't be a flop, but it won't be as big a hit as some suggested it would. It'll clear at least a million, all said and done.

The only thing thats a flop is this useless thread. 140k is for one day, and not all countries even had the game out on the 28th.

A launch game.

yes a flop despite only having sales for 1 day 140k is a huge flop

