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Forums - Sony Discussion - Simply WOW! Most original LBP level so far, with tons of original content.

bugrimmar said:
Euphoria14 said:
chapset said:




???? is right


Maybe he didn't like it :P

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KylieDog said:
Only watched 2 minutes of it.

Looks boring.

I don't care how creative a level is, if it doesn't seem fun to play it has failed.


 Failed to whom, you?

I thought it was fun when I played with friends. Even so, the originality in this level alone makes it deserving of some recognition. MM really did a good job of giving us some very good creation tools.

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Seemed fun but the main thing I'm getting from seeing all these levels is that there isn't a whole lot of "challenge" in them. This stage only contained like 1 or 2 areas where I thought "those are a bit tricky".

papflesje said:
Seemed fun but the main thing I'm getting from seeing all these levels is that there isn't a whole lot of "challenge" in them. This stage only contained like 1 or 2 areas where I thought "those are a bit tricky".


 Some of the most beautiful levels made by users tend to be a bit on the easy side, but do not mistake, there are some ridiculously hard levels out there.

Pete's Glass Tower is one hell of a hard level.

The very hard levels do not usually end up with many hearts and make the first few pages of levels, probably because players get frustrated when they can not complete it.

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@ euphoria: any links perhaps to the harder levels that are out there?

Because this is not enticing me to get LBP if and when I do get a PS3

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This just looks very boring to me. Stuff like this makes me think that LBP is way over hyped. Beautiful game, yes without a doubt. Fun looking to me, no.

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Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

Full credit to whoever made it, they clearly put a lot of work into it
I still think it's boring though

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They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

papflesje said:
@ euphoria: any links perhaps to the harder levels that are out there?

Because this is not enticing me to get LBP if and when I do get a PS3


 Just a couple I found with a quick search. Most of the very hard levels are not posted online because for some odd reason they do not get the recognition they deserve.

This one as well, I can't seem to be able to embed it.

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Mind you it is the creators who usually make these videos, so that is why most appear to be very easy. My level for example, I can breeze right through it without a single problem but when people play in my level they tend to need to restart a few times before completing it.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Falcon095 said:
bugrimmar said:
Euphoria14 said:
chapset said:




???? is right


Maybe he didn't like it :P

doesn't look that great, i was especting something a bit more special


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