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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox 360 has its BIGGEST WEEK EVER! - A Standing Ovation for MS is due!

FishyJoe said:
Doesn't the Wii and DS deserve any props? Oh I forgot, they don't exist.


We knew it's gonna win, they didn't need to try. Xbox 360 on other hand, did bundles, pricecut, nxe, games. Nintendo just had to have wii in stock and it would have won. It did great, you know, but it's not suprising.

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Yea man, it is pretty crazy, it's going to outsell the PS3 by like 2.5:1 this week. If it keeps going like this, by Jan 1 the 360 will be ahead by like 7.8 mil ATLEAST.

Squilliam said:
Wow... I never picked it, this is the biggest week by a huge margin. I wonder if they can best this week again before the end the of the year?

Yes, they can as long as supply is not a problem. Black friday week isn't supposed to be the best week of sales in America, let alone the whole world.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

The ovation is for the fact that its much more deserved based on what the 360 offers. Much more so than the sales of the Xbox. Its kinda like what I was hoping for the GC whilst I had it.

And of course, supreme pat on the back to Nintendo for getting a huge amount of people interested in gaming that werent before. The Wii experience is already legend.

madskillz said:
It's amazing how MS played their hand against Sony. They were never aiming at Nintendo - they had Sony in their sights the entire time. Everyone knows Ninny has won this gen, but as far as HD gaming, MS is truly leading the way. When the PS3 puts up those kinds of numbers, celebration should be in order as well.


They had Nintendo in their sights.  They just don't anymore now that resistance is futile, and they're not going to beat them.  They did not come into the console war saying "oh, second place is what we want, again".  >_>

They don't anymore cuz it ain't gonna happen, so they have to make PS3 look as bad as it can, but MS definitely had Nintendo in their sights.

That being said, that does not take away from how good that the XBOX 360 has done this week.  As a matter of fact, every console and handheld did very good this week.  Each one is up YOY from the previous Black Friday Week.

Take that recession!

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FishyJoe said:
Doesn't the Wii and DS deserve any props? Oh I forgot, they don't exist.

I think you've finally reached acceptance! Good for you...



Wow. Thus the Xbox 360 passes another milestone, as I believe it has just past or is extrmely close to passing the original Xbox's units LTD as well, no?

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Great numbers for MS, and quite deserving as well.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
DMeisterJ said:
madskillz said:
It's amazing how MS played their hand against Sony. They were never aiming at Nintendo - they had Sony in their sights the entire time. Everyone knows Ninny has won this gen, but as far as HD gaming, MS is truly leading the way. When the PS3 puts up those kinds of numbers, celebration should be in order as well.


They had Nintendo in their sights. They just don't anymore now that resistance is futile, and they're not going to beat them. They did not come into the console war saying "oh, second place is what we want, again". >_>

They don't anymore cuz it ain't gonna happen, so they have to make PS3 look as bad as it can, but MS definitely had Nintendo in their sights.

That being said, that does not take away from how good that the XBOX 360 has done this week. As a matter of fact, every console and handheld did very good this week. Each one is up YOY from the previous Black Friday Week.

Take that recession!

I dunno. Did MS hint at letting Bungie (when they were still in the MS barn) do a Halo for the DS? I know no one could have predicted this wild Ninny ascension, but I was under the impression that Nintendo is king of nonHD gaming - and MS and PS3 were battling for living room supremacy. Yeah, MS wanted to win it all, but tell me ... who can stop the rolstoppable Wii? Who wouldn't want a DS or Wii (beside you)? Never before have nongamers had a reason to game. When you have Grannies buying Wiis to play, they defy the past logic on gaming.

Now, HD gaming is a totally different ballgame. And last gen, Sony wiped the floor with MS. This time, Sony is hardpressed to do it and have to do it with the huge shadow from Ninny. Times change and these numbers for the DS, Wii and 360 are just wow.



360 Keeps Hardcore Gaming alive!  Meaning theres still a market for hardcore gaming!

Be thankful to Microsoft everyone!  PS3 fans you'll get the year later ports thanks to 360 selling the software (or more games developed when ported over to 360 vice versa) and PC gamers you still got a market to get games ported to you so you can steal them later!