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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How did Duck Hunt work?

Seriousley? This game came out how many years ago? HOW THE HELL did the game know when I was shooting at the damn duck?

I was trying to figure out some form of logical explanation for it with my friend last night but couldn't. As far as I recall the NES didn't have any sensors.

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When you pulled the trigger, the screen flashed to all black except for where the ducks where. The ducks flashed to a white block.

The zapper had a camera in it that read the screen. They then used the positions of the white squares to determine if you hit a duck, and which one.

That is how I understand how it works.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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The game flashes a series of white and black squares on the screen and the infrared sensor picked up white or black and the interlaced pizels to pinpoint the location. this is why light guns don't work on modern TV sets

pretty damn impressive for a game that old...

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Nintendo always innovating in the VG world

And people say that casuals started with the Wii and DS... please...

Duck Hunt was an awesome game, too bad that i didn't get it in a bundle because i had my NES a little time after launch, and then sold it to buy a Famicom... So i had to buy it separately...

Talk about innovation.

I've always wondered this too. haha.

Thanks for the explanation, nord. It works for me. =D

My brother and I messed with the color of the tv until it was somewhat grey and white (not black and white). Then, wherever we shot, the duck would fall. We got to level 99 of that skeet shooting game. Then, two HUGE skeets came out of the bottom of the screen. When they hit mid-screen, they disappeared. We were so stunned, that we didn't even shoot at them. Then, it was game over.