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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Do You Think The 360's Sales Explosion Has Extended Its Life?

Aagin that is silly, every game that is developed is always at the maximium effencienty at the time of development. Then some one comes along and improves on that, that is how DEVELOPMENT works. I bet if they had the original xbox they could now make better games then they did when it was scrapped. Look at the PS2 GOW2 was better then anything that went before it, are you telling me that after just 3 years they can say "Thats it we have hit the top", if so why did it take 7 years for them to develop the PS2 to its "100%" was it really that badly put together.

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Yes, the success has extended the life of how long the X360 will be manufactored, but not the time when next gen starts.

The Xbox 3 will launch in Nov 2011 and is the beginning of next gen.

The X360 will be manufactored until some time into 2013, and it's overlapping sales (relative to the Xbox 3 and the next gen) will be rufly 4 million in 2012 and rufly 2 million in 2013.

outlawauron said:
Christhegamer said:

Thats a silly comment, how do we know what is being used at the moment. No games developer would use less then 100%. Don't listen to Sony fanboys saying that there games are only useing 30% of the system, because thats rubbish no developer would write a game and just use less then 100%. I understand that software can be made to run better over time, and this will be the case for both the PS3 and 360... Games will always get better untill dev move there focus to a new system...

No, developers are saying that they having learned enough about and from the console to utilize at its maximium effencienty.

Because unlike all other systems before it, there could be absolutely NO GAIN in quality the longer they code for it right? 

I'd guess you are referring to Epic's comments on the power of the 360.  Here's the link and if you read the whole story, you'll see what he ACTUALLY says about the potential of the 360: 

If this isn't the story you are referring too, what developers do you speak of?

@colonelstubbs:  I know this is off topic, but while it's a shame you had to give up your PS3, welcome to the 360 family!


It would have extended the 360's life if MS didn't have to consider competition. MS knows the value of getting a 1 year head start on Sony. They'll want to do that again. And with PS3 looking destined to an unprofitable 3rd place the PS4 may be moved up and that in turns moves up the 360's successor.


well I dunno about MS plans but gamer wise I think this year was the best MS could have hopped for to revive the console.

1_ GTA proved it had gained a bunch of the last gen gamers
2_ 360 became ok since the RRoD was not in the subject of talk anymore
3_ FFXIII announcement folowed by a bunch (yes badly reviewed but better than the void elsewhere) of RPGs surely helped it's status as the potential lead HD console for gamers.
4_ Price drop in the fall hit the sweetspot...
5_ Sony's High profile games doing only ok compared to the doing Woohoo of gears/fable means the tide will turn for developpers. "X360 does what the PS3 don't" -> Sell (of course the PS3 still sells well but not Whoohoo well).

I think the life of the 360 now depends on the Wii. MS will probably keep a PC oriented console, meaning that the drawing board is flexible and they will anounce it to come out arround when Ninty anounces theirs.... trying of course to gain a year on them if possible.


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I could see the 360 going the way of the PS2 and stay around for years and still get software.