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When buying games would you consider trophies are a bonus in games or a necessity?


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more often than not, a necessity.
However, there are must play games, and I will play a game without trophies.

They have become a feature I come to expect.
During the slow months of the year where not many games are coming out I could maybe consider buying a game with no trophy support.
However during the holydays with more games coming out than I have time to play they are definitly something I look at and if 10 games are on my must- buy list and 2 of those don't support trophies, that list is now 8 games strong...

Which is why I never bought and probably never will buy Valkyria Chronicles .
The developer had 7 months between the Japanese release and the US release to add trophies. They decided not to, they won't get my money.....

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theprof00 said:
more often than not, a necessity.
However, there are must play games, and I will play a game without trophies.



Exactly the same as me, i will pick up a 6/10 game over a 7/10 game if it had trophies.


Just the way i feel about it.

i consider them a bonus but i hate it wen they don't have them and they get patched later on as i don't like to replay just for trophies if they don't have trophies and it's confirmed that it will never have them it doesn't bother me cause i know that it never will have them

But games like MGS4 i haven't played yet cause there is no info if it will get patched or not wen the info comes out i well then buy it it won't affect me if MGS4 gets them or not it's just i don't want 2 get suckered in playing it a extra time just 4 trophies


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I don't really consider them at all. It's nice when they're there, but it has absolutely no influence on what games I buy or am looking forward to.


theprof00 said:
more often than not, a necessity.
However, there are must play games, and I will play a game without trophies.


I'm kinda going for more of the opposite, With loads of good games I'm going to be playing them, when no good games are out, i'll go trophie hunting on a old game for the replay value

I considered it a bonus at first but now its expected. Doesn't even matter now that they will become mandatory starting next month.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Trophies have been out for a long time now so there's no reason to be surprised by them.

Everyone has known about them for a very long time now so there's no reason not to plan for them.

They are easy to implement into the game so there's no reason to say you can't.

Really, any game within the last few months that doesn't have them in pretty silly.

I really don't care at all. If they're there, whatever, if they're not, whatever

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