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Forums - Sony Discussion - The official PS3 Full of Win thread # 1(PSFoW #1)

I totally support any thread for any console that does not have to resort to system bashing to make a point. +1 in my book, sir.

Killzone 2 and God of War 3 will probably be the games that push me over the PS3 edge, so to speak (come on price drop!).

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Squilliam said:
king_of_the_castle said:
VC=Win, perhaps you should consider moving :)

Makingmusic was meant to send it to me, but he hates the PS3 and its fans. Such a closet Xbox lover that boy...



 I know, I was afraid to even post in this thread b/c I thought he might ban me 

Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

Recently Beaten: Gears of War | Super Mario Galaxy | Darwinia | MGS4 | Sam and Max Ep. 4, Portal | Mirror's Edge | Uncharted | Mass Effect

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I just noticed something squilliam,,,,,you like to side with the weaker side always,,,,,when 36o was being outsold ,you were cheering for 360 but as soon as 360 started outselling PS3 you switched to PS3 side.

I guess you just wanna balanced competition.(what every gamer should want)

I m satrting to like you squilliam,,,I hope I am right about your intentions for creating this thread ;)




king_of_the_castle said:
Squilliam said:
king_of_the_castle said:
VC=Win, perhaps you should consider moving :)

Makingmusic was meant to send it to me, but he hates the PS3 and its fans. Such a closet Xbox lover that boy...



 I know, I was afraid to even post in this thread b/c I thought he might ban me 

He banned me once when I mentioned the "PS3 exclusives thread" Didn't even cover half the actual games out there! He called me a troll and banned me. :/

im sticking my thread challenge here so people will see it, offer your lulz or your winning words for the PS3.

Thread Challenge #1: The PS3 Win thread must be bigger than the PS3 is doomed thread. Gogogogogogo!!!!!

 @Spartan, yeah thats pretty much it. I also became friends with Makingmusic on Steam so he kind of influenced me as well. But yeah, I hate how people act in herds and gang up on another group just because for whatever reason they're a little weaker.


just wondering will this thread changes the fact??

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^^the fact that PS3 is awesome?

no,it's still awesome ;)




Squil, I respected you for your argumentation before. But you just ascended to a higher place in my hierarchy.
I almost agree a 100% with your list, except I would replace White Knight Chronicles with Yakuza 3 and add in Flower.
People can bash the PS3 as much as they like, but they wont get to play God of War III or Heavy Rain without it, so in the end, all the complaints are for naught.

It's simple logic:

VC is awesome -> it works only on PS3 => ps3 wins :D


I like you Squilliam.

You are always on the side of the underdog. I can't wait until your PS3 > 360 Q3 and Q4 or 2009 sig.

Rainbird said:
Squil, I respected you for your argumentation before. But you just ascended to a higher place in my hierarchy.
I almost agree a 100% with your list, except I would replace White Knight Chronicles with Yakuza 3 and add in Flower.
People can bash the PS3 as much as they like, but they wont get to play God of War III or Heavy Rain without it, so in the end, all the complaints are for naught.

That is very very true..... Sony first party kicks ass, and no PS3 owner will ever feel there are not enough epic games coming up regularly. That's why PS3 ownership is more satisfying i think


PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).