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Forums - Sony Discussion - The official PS3 Full of Win thread # 1(PSFoW #1)

I'm absolutely sick of these threads not popping up every 5 minutes, so I thought to make an official one.

The only reason is that I'll:

a) Post in every next thread about this.
b) Congratulate the person that makes the thread as I from now on consider it full of win.

Note: I personally agree with all the hype. PS3 is definitely full of win, but the under-reaction that's going on is ridiculous. Just enjoy your machine. I enjoyed the PS2 and it was dead first.


I cannot be anything but pleased with my PS3 at the moment. The number of games it has, which I have enjoyed recenty have been amazing. I don't think I have ever been more happy with 12 months of a console lineup as I have been with the PS3 for 2009. I know listing games is lame, I hate it but it must be done.

My OMG list for 2009:

  • Killzone 2
  • Uncharted 2
  • Gran Turismo 5
  • Ratchet and Clank (Whatever)
  • Heavy Rain
  • White Knight Chronicles
  • Valkyria Chronicles (Releases in my country next year bastards)
  • God of War III
  • Infamous

Now, I know im partially influence by Makingmusic476, ok completely influenced (look at my PSN ID!) in this but its crazy to find my self thinking about so many awesome titles. I would own a PS3 just for those titles, it doesn't matter where I get the multi-plats because those exclusives speak for themselves.

Thread Challenge #1: The PS3 Win thread must be bigger than the PS3 is doomed thread. Gogogogogogo!!!!!




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hahaha, squillie. You're a bit of a pain-craver, aren't you? :p

You go with the console that is getting hit hardest at that time :p

Since it turned around for the xbox when you did that (YES, I do think there is a connection with your support and its success >_>), does this mean that the PS will recover in due time because of your support too? >_> :p

My OMG list for 2009:

papflesje said:
hahaha, squillie. You're a bit of a pain-craver, aren't you? :p

You go with the console that is getting hit hardest at that time :p

Since it turned around for the xbox when you did that (YES, I do think there is a connection with your support and its success >_>), does this mean that the PS will recover in due time because of your support too? >_> :p

I cannot disagree with anything you say!

Im still waiting for the right time to post my "PS3 will outsell Xbox 360 Q3/Q4 2009 thread", obviously it would be best to post it in 2009 rather than before.

Its no fun posting on a forum where everyone agrees with you, so I like to take the opposing sides. You get into more interesting debates that way.



VC=Win, perhaps you should consider moving :)

Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

Recently Beaten: Gears of War | Super Mario Galaxy | Darwinia | MGS4 | Sam and Max Ep. 4, Portal | Mirror's Edge | Uncharted | Mass Effect

Looking Forward to: Alan Wake | Splinter Cell : Conviction | The Last Guardian | Batman: Arkham Asylum | SMG2 | Mass Effect 2 |

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king_of_the_castle said:
VC=Win, perhaps you should consider moving :)

Makingmusic was meant to send it to me, but he hates the PS3 and its fans. Such a closet Xbox lover that boy...



Don't know whether to laugh or to cry.

It is frankly stupid to support a console just because it's selling more. A true gamer supports a console because of its games. That should be the only reason.

+1 for squilliam

it's like breath of fresh air in all the PS3 is DOOMDZ threads




BengaBenga said:
Don't know whether to laugh or to cry.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

I suggest the former, the latter can make your eyes feel a little irritated.

