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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Xbox 360 has overtaken the PS3 in Europe!!

im not worried considering the error of margin in these figures the ps3 is probably still ahead in europe, but yes after the holidays the ps3 should regain europe, but sometimes i think sony have fucked up this xmas many of there hit exclusives arent selling well not because there not good games just wrong season to release take motorstorm pacfic rift, it was probably expected this game wouldnt do as well as the first conisdering the bundles and the first was a launch title, however racing games dont do well at xmas times because the big games are party titles and blockbuster titles, and motorstorm doestn fit either categories, so they should of relesed killzone 2 instead of motorstorm this xmas and motorstorm should of had a spring release where racing games do better

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^you can never know for sure. The point is that sony has a record for actually making their money back and microsoft doesn't However, that is completely besides the point if you read my original post which was only geared towards microsoft

Check out my game about moles ^

Damn it Sony! Damn it!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Staude said:
^you can never know for sure. The point is that sony has a record for actually making their money back and microsoft doesn't However, that is completely besides the point if you read my original post which was only geared towards microsoft


On the flip side, MS has a tendency to not do well in early product generations, yet take over the market in successive generations. Anyone remember Windows 1 or 2? How about IE 1 or 2? Those were commercial failures. It wasn't until a few generations passed that MS wound up being on top. I'm not saying it's always worked out that way, but there is no denying that MS has a history succeeding after a few product iterations.

Staude said:
^you can never know for sure. The point is that sony has a record for actually making their money back and microsoft doesn't However, that is completely besides the point if you read my original post which was only geared towards microsoft


 Sony also had a record for stomping its compitition into the ground.  And that isn't going to happen this generation either.

Your original point is that MS lost so much money with the release of the Xbox that it has not been in the black yet.  This is true, but that same comparision can be used when looking at the PS3.  Sony Entertainment has lost +$3.5 billion since the launch of the PS3.  It will not make that money back from the PS3.  It's only hope will be to make that money back with sales and profit on a PS4.

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OMG ps3 had fallen in EU??

huge sale for 360.

selnor said:
tombi123 said:
selnor said:
tombi123 said:
The year and a half head start sure made a difference :)

PS3 will be back on top with a price cut.

Of course it will...........Of course it will, won't it?

De Ja Vu is the craziest thing.



 The last time the PS3 had a price cut in Europe, it caught up and passed the 360 pretty quickly. Then the 360 has (2) price cuts in Europe and passes the PS3 fairly quickly. So when the PS3 next gets a price cut in Europe, it should pass the 360 fairly quickly, no?

If my local shops in UK are anything to go buy, it's gonna be much tougher. As I said before they only have 2 bays for PS3, 8 for 360 and 12 for wii. They cut PS3 from 4 to 2 last week. UK PS3 is certainly not really looked at much. This is in Game the biggest highstreet shop for Games consoles.



At my local Game shop the PS3 still has 3 bays but it has been pushed to the very back of the shop behind all the Pre owned games.


Not great product placement !

perpride said:
Any bets on when the lead in Europe will belong to Sony again?


It won't belong to Sony again.  This generation, it clearly belongs to Nintendo with Microsoft and Sony struggling for second place.  That's how it will go for the rest of the generation. Even if there is a clear second-place winner, it won't be second-place domination.  Both MS and Nintendo have made huge improvements in Europe this time around and have completely eroded the Sony brandname.

FishyJoe said:
Staude said:
^you can never know for sure. The point is that sony has a record for actually making their money back and microsoft doesn't However, that is completely besides the point if you read my original post which was only geared towards microsoft


On the flip side, MS has a tendency to not do well in early product generations, yet take over the market in successive generations. Anyone remember Windows 1 or 2? How about IE 1 or 2? Those were commercial failures. It wasn't until a few generations passed that MS wound up being on top. I'm not saying it's always worked out that way, but there is no denying that MS has a history succeeding after a few product iterations.

yes but there is a rapid difference here. These previous markets were the OS market where the sole reason for microsofts dominence was their contract with ibm.

IE have never been a commercial success. They contracted and cheated the developers out of their money (by bundling it for free) whereafter they were sued (and lost i think?) and to this day they haven't made money directly off IE. :p (which has lost a lot of it's dominence too)



Actually my point is that microsoft haven't really made any money of any of their xbox'es yet. With profit from their entertainment devision most likely coming from zune and other products.


Check out my game about moles ^

Praise be to MS, our lord and saviour