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FishyJoe said:
Staude said:
^you can never know for sure. The point is that sony has a record for actually making their money back and microsoft doesn't However, that is completely besides the point if you read my original post which was only geared towards microsoft


On the flip side, MS has a tendency to not do well in early product generations, yet take over the market in successive generations. Anyone remember Windows 1 or 2? How about IE 1 or 2? Those were commercial failures. It wasn't until a few generations passed that MS wound up being on top. I'm not saying it's always worked out that way, but there is no denying that MS has a history succeeding after a few product iterations.

yes but there is a rapid difference here. These previous markets were the OS market where the sole reason for microsofts dominence was their contract with ibm.

IE have never been a commercial success. They contracted and cheated the developers out of their money (by bundling it for free) whereafter they were sued (and lost i think?) and to this day they haven't made money directly off IE. :p (which has lost a lot of it's dominence too)



Actually my point is that microsoft haven't really made any money of any of their xbox'es yet. With profit from their entertainment devision most likely coming from zune and other products.


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