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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The user shift from wii to HD

Hardware sales in November 2008:

Wii: 2.5M worldwide, 1M America, 100k Japan, 1.5M Others
PS3: 800k worldwide, 250k America, 60k Japan, 500k Others
360: 1.4M worldwide, 500k America, 35k Japan, 850k Others

Hardware sales in November 2007:

Wii: 1.7M worldwide, 1M America, 160k Japan, 500k Others
PS3: 1M worldwide, 400k America, 180k Japan, 400k Others
360: 1M worldwide, 700k America, 40k Japan, 250k Others

Both cases it's the four weeks ending two days after Thanksgiving.

Worldwide: Wii sales are up 50%, PS3 sales are down 20%, 360 sales are up 40%.

America: Wii sales are flat, with PS3 sales down 40% and 360 sales down 30%.

Japan: Wii sales are down 40%, PS3 sales are down 70%, and 360 sales are down 10%.

Others: Wii sales are up 200%, PS3 sales are up 25%, 360 sales are up 240%.


360 price cut has helped most in Others, where it has received two price cuts this year. The Wii is however still seeing a lot of growth there, it seems to be the PS3 that is getting left behind. In the Americas, 360 sales are down almost as much as PS3 sales, with Wii sales at the same level, so the 360 price cut hasn't exactly increased sales there, but possibly kept them from dropping even further.

Overall, it's still early (December is obviously even bigger than November) but it looks like the 360 price cut isn't taking the Wii audience but is probably eating into the PS3 market. I would expect that a PS3 price cut would have no effect on Wii sales, and merely shift the balance between the PS3/360 sales.

November 2008 has Wii outselling PS3 and 360 combined in all three markets, when it did not do so in *any* of them in November 2007. To say that the 360 price cut has helped the HD twins gain any kind of ground on the Wii is a faulty conclusion at best, and there's no reason to believe a PS3 price cut would be any different.


Software sales are largely incomplete, especially for cheaper Wii/DS/PS2 titles, and especially in Others. We'll look at YOY comparisons for November in the Americas only, then:

Software sales in November 2008 in America:

Wii: 7M (down 20% from November 2007)
PS3: 3.6M (flat from November 2007)
360: 9M (down 20% from November 2007)

So the 360 price cut does not seem to be stealing Wii software sales, either. In fact, Wii software sales being down are a lot more understandable (it had Super Mario Galaxy in November 2007 but only Animal Crossing in November 2008) than for the 360 (which had Assassin's Creed in November 2007 and Gears of War 2 in November 2008).


Now, we have lots of numbers available on this site, so I'd appreciate it if you actually used some of them to make your arguments instead of just making things up in order to start a fight and piss people off.

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Jo21 said:
well i first bought my wii in dec 2006, a year later dec 29 2007 i bought my ps3.

i sold my wii still keep my ps3.

i used it for movies and games mainly games i am actually having an event this friday and my ps3 it's the main attraction.

same, but opposite!


got the Wii christmas 2006, after 1 year got a Ps3!

and guess what, Ps3 is on the HD tv and it does not play games but movies instead!

Wii is on an SD tv, altough it looks much better on HD but..... father shouting for not being able to watch tv!

can't stop playing Wii, and the only Ps3 game i'm looking forward is FF13

when i have people or friends at home, Wii is the attraction, and nobody even cares that i havea a Ps3!

also, softwares sales are always like that, Wii games have longer legs, and also the fact that it sells the same as Xbox360 and a bit more is good!

was Ps2 selling 5 times more than GC or Xbox, then how comes some GC games reached 8 million?

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

What a sad, sad thread.