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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The user shift from wii to HD

clerk said:
I tried to give a reasonable answer, to something we all know you just wrote up to try and provoke. I've already seen you do it several times, and your pattern is kinda easy to see through. You've gotten exactly what you wanted out of this thread, so stop your pathetic sobbing.


 your the one trying to provoke, and as for seeing me do it before, one of my pet hates it when I asked a question and I get a million and one responses from people repeating what I just asked as if they came up with it them selves and im wrong for no aparent reason.

@ stoff

Im not looking at any shifts in the industry curently, im just asking the question,"price was one of nintendos big factors to successfully selling their system, so will these new price drops then alow the 360 to play on a leveler playing field with the wii?" Im also wondering if this will then 'cause' a shift of wii gamers who baught into the wii because of its price and are fed up with SD gaming and want HD gaming now its cheaper. And I'm wondering if there will be alot of these people out there because in my own little world the people I've spoken to seem to prefer the HD gaming over their wiis. I also want to know if this price thing has covered up a 'fad' nature of the wii or something entierly different if it so does turn out to be true that people were more inclined to purchase a wii for its cheapness

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

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I know all about other stuff, i didnt ask about other stuff, I asked about this specific stuff, just i guess in a too complicated way, and im sorry for making that confusing and causing every one to jump down my throat as if im a nintendo basher. I havent jumped ship, im still a ninty fan boy, always was and always will be, I just had some thoughts regarding some things and wanted to know what other people thought

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

I'll take that with a side of fries.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

SnowWhitesDrug said:
clerk said:
I tried to give a reasonable answer, to something we all know you just wrote up to try and provoke. I've already seen you do it several times, and your pattern is kinda easy to see through. You've gotten exactly what you wanted out of this thread, so stop your pathetic sobbing.


 your the one trying to provoke, and as for seeing me do it before, one of my pet hates it when I asked a question and I get a million and one responses from people repeating what I just asked as if they came up with it them selves and im wrong for no aparent reason.

@ stoff

Im not looking at any shifts in the industry curently, im just asking the question,"price was one of nintendos big factors to successfully selling their system, so will these new price drops then alow the 360 to play on a leveler playing field with the wii?"

That the Xbox 360 arcade continues to sell considerably less units than the Wii despite its lower price suggests that price is not quite as important a factor as you might think.

Im also wondering if this will then 'cause' a shift of wii gamers who baught into the wii because of its price and are fed up with SD gaming and want HD gaming now its cheaper.

This is pure speculation. Sales data suggests otherwise.

And I'm wondering if there will be alot of these people out there because in my own little world the people I've spoken to seem to prefer the HD gaming over their wiis. I also want to know if this price thing has covered up a 'fad' nature of the wii or something entierly different if it so does turn out to be true that people were more inclined to purchase a wii for its cheapness

Again, given that Wii sales are higher than the Xbox 360 arcade despite its lower price should dispell any notion that price has obscured its 'fad nature'. 



SnowWhitesDrug said:

@ stoff

Im not looking at any shifts in the industry curently, im just asking the question,"price was one of nintendos big factors to successfully selling their system, so will these new price drops then alow the 360 to play on a leveler playing field with the wii?" Im also wondering if this will then 'cause' a shift of wii gamers who baught into the wii because of its price and are fed up with SD gaming and want HD gaming now its cheaper. And I'm wondering if there will be alot of these people out there because in my own little world the people I've spoken to seem to prefer the HD gaming over their wiis. I also want to know if this price thing has covered up a 'fad' nature of the wii or something entierly different if it so does turn out to be true that people were more inclined to purchase a wii for its cheapness


After looking at the split between the HD gaming market and the Wiis standard definition market, and asking a few owners of all 3 consoles about their feelings towards their purchases I’ve noticed the Wii is seen to be some what redundant. Why? Well in comparison to the 2 giants of this generation it seems to go unappreciated and unplayed when they’re both on the same TV cabinet. I’m aware of a simple fact though; Nintendo is one company that is verging on owning over 50% of the current generation market. We’re not looking at companies though, we’re looking at the current generation HD vs SD gaming market. This is a completely different picture where Nintendo is only half as popular as the sales statistics break down sounds.

I’m interested in exploring this ‘gimmick’ idea of the Wii due to the recent price drops of the 360. They have literally made the console cheaper to buy then a Wii (in Australia), and I’m assuming its following similar price drops in other countries? It’s also obvious due to the lack of a PS3 Christmas boom that Sony can’t maintain its current pricing or else it’s going to have to admit defeat, so I think Sony will have to seriously consider a price drop sooner then later, making the HD gaming market even more attractive.


Now it’s impossible to know what I want to know for certain as we can’t be definite on how many owners of the wii are buying into an alternative console so I’m not even going to begin to make assumptions but I have picked up on a general feeling towards the Wii. And that is once a customer moves onto HD gaming the Wii is all but forgotten for a prettier screen. Now that HD gaming is making a move to being as cheap or cheaper (depending where you shop) than Wii gaming, could we expect a higher shift of wii owners moving to HD? Could this begin to show that the wii actually has a gimmick 'buy it because its the new trend' nature?

The demand for the Wii will always overshadow the shift of older users buying into HD consoles as new Wii users keep up the sales powered by their excitement for something new. But if the buying price for the Wii was one of its main attractions for its customers (like myself) then those same users who have gotten over the excitement of ‘new motion controls' (the gimmick concept), like myself will now be seeing the 360 (and maybe soon to be cheaper ps3) as another viable entertainment source, if not a better, prettier and more mature one.  

I would like to hear your opinions on my thoughts, agreeing or disagreeing. I would like to know what the general feeling is across the gaming community of this shift idea and what it could reveal about the general customers satisfaction with the Wii. I for one have been swayed from Nintendo fanboyism to a more rational thinking towards gaming and the huge benefits that come with a powerful console. (benefits that I used to think were pointless and unneeded) All because of a price drop! I also don't think the wii is quite a gimmick because the implimentation of the technology really creates an awesome interactive gaming experience. But I think from a marketing point of view its appeal might run short with cheaper options on sale. For pre-existing Wii owners and new customers.


 - It seems like I'm answering a very large part of your thread with my observations. You're saying that the Wii becomes redundant next to HD consoles. I'm suggesting that the console that has had very few important game releases is seeming redundant next to the two consoles that are having some of their biggest releases. I'm saying that the Wii will be getting lots of its own big releases soon and then it won't seem so redundant.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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Yea, I'm trying to provoke, by giving you a direct answer, which you completely dismissed. You might be able to play that shit with people that aren't quite there, but you are as easy to read as a pixie. Everyone knows you didn't write this up to have an honest discussion, and if they didn't, they sure as shit got it proved to them during the progression of the thread.

Just because you don't do it simple, doesn't make you any less of a worthless troll.

Xponent said:
SnowWhitesDrug said:
clerk said:
I tried to give a reasonable answer, to something we all know you just wrote up to try and provoke. I've already seen you do it several times, and your pattern is kinda easy to see through. You've gotten exactly what you wanted out of this thread, so stop your pathetic sobbing.


 your the one trying to provoke, and as for seeing me do it before, one of my pet hates it when I asked a question and I get a million and one responses from people repeating what I just asked as if they came up with it them selves and im wrong for no aparent reason.

@ stoff

Im not looking at any shifts in the industry curently, im just asking the question,"price was one of nintendos big factors to successfully selling their system, so will these new price drops then alow the 360 to play on a leveler playing field with the wii?"

That the Xbox 360 arcade continues to sell considerably less units than the Wii despite its lower price suggests that price is not quite as important a factor as you might think.

Im also wondering if this will then 'cause' a shift of wii gamers who baught into the wii because of its price and are fed up with SD gaming and want HD gaming now its cheaper.

This is pure speculation. Sales data suggests otherwise.

And I'm wondering if there will be alot of these people out there because in my own little world the people I've spoken to seem to prefer the HD gaming over their wiis. I also want to know if this price thing has covered up a 'fad' nature of the wii or something entierly different if it so does turn out to be true that people were more inclined to purchase a wii for its cheapness

Again, given that Wii sales are higher than the Xbox 360 arcade despite its lower price should dispell any notion that price has obscured its 'fad nature'. 



thank you!!!!!!!!! thank you so much! what do you think of the HD gaming market in general if the ps3 were to have a sales drop? Because I'm looking at HD vs SD I was thinking that if the ps3 were to come into play with a lower price would it increase its sales enough to bring the HD side of gaming back to the winning market share, or even stop wii from gaining a 50+% share?


If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Consumer buy one console and decided to buy another one.This thing already happen long time ago ,not just this generation.
Definitely some Wii owner also buy other consoles ,but in the other way.Other consoles owner also buy Wii too.

And if Wii's suck ,rumor'll spread out and no one would buy it.But since we see Wii has increase its marketshare almost every week ,it means Wii did a good job i think. :)

This thread sucks, it bores me, I think I'll go play me some wii

SnowWhitesDrug said:

After looking at the split between the HD gaming market and the Wiis standard definition market, and asking a few owners of all 3 consoles about their feelings towards their purchases I’ve noticed the Wii is seen to be some what redundant. Why? Well in comparison to the 2 giants of this generation it seems to go unappreciated and unplayed when they’re both on the same TV cabinet. I’m aware of a simple fact though; Nintendo is one company that is verging on owning over 50% of the current generation market. We’re not looking at companies though, we’re looking at the current generation HD vs SD gaming market. This is a completely different picture where Nintendo is only half as popular as the sales statistics break down sounds.

I’m interested in exploring this ‘gimmick’ idea of the Wii due to the recent price drops of the 360. They have literally made the console cheaper to buy then a Wii (in Australia), and I’m assuming its following similar price drops in other countries? It’s also obvious due to the lack of a PS3 Christmas boom that Sony can’t maintain its current pricing or else it’s going to have to admit defeat, so I think Sony will have to seriously consider a price drop sooner then later, making the HD gaming market even more attractive.


Now it’s impossible to know what I want to know for certain as we can’t be definite on how many owners of the wii are buying into an alternative console so I’m not even going to begin to make assumptions but I have picked up on a general feeling towards the Wii. And that is once a customer moves onto HD gaming the Wii is all but forgotten for a prettier screen. Now that HD gaming is making a move to being as cheap or cheaper (depending where you shop) than Wii gaming, could we expect a higher shift of wii owners moving to HD? Could this begin to show that the wii actually has a gimmick 'buy it because its the new trend' nature?

The demand for the Wii will always overshadow the shift of older users buying into HD consoles as new Wii users keep up the sales powered by their excitement for something new. But if the buying price for the Wii was one of its main attractions for its customers (like myself) then those same users who have gotten over the excitement of ‘new motion controls' (the gimmick concept), like myself will now be seeing the 360 (and maybe soon to be cheaper ps3) as another viable entertainment source, if not a better, prettier and more mature one.  

I would like to hear your opinions on my thoughts, agreeing or disagreeing. I would like to know what the general feeling is across the gaming community of this shift idea and what it could reveal about the general customers satisfaction with the Wii. I for one have been swayed from Nintendo fanboyism to a more rational thinking towards gaming and the huge benefits that come with a powerful console. (benefits that I used to think were pointless and unneeded) All because of a price drop! I also don't think the wii is quite a gimmick because the implimentation of the technology really creates an awesome interactive gaming experience. But I think from a marketing point of view its appeal might run short with cheaper options on sale. For pre-existing Wii owners and new customers.

You are right about some people. But I have played HD consoles and they haven't swayed me. I still have and use my wii. Now a price drop of HD gaming and HD TV's would make me go in that direction. But not that many people will just abandon the wii because of cheaper HD gaming.