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SnowWhitesDrug said:
clerk said:
I tried to give a reasonable answer, to something we all know you just wrote up to try and provoke. I've already seen you do it several times, and your pattern is kinda easy to see through. You've gotten exactly what you wanted out of this thread, so stop your pathetic sobbing.


 your the one trying to provoke, and as for seeing me do it before, one of my pet hates it when I asked a question and I get a million and one responses from people repeating what I just asked as if they came up with it them selves and im wrong for no aparent reason.

@ stoff

Im not looking at any shifts in the industry curently, im just asking the question,"price was one of nintendos big factors to successfully selling their system, so will these new price drops then alow the 360 to play on a leveler playing field with the wii?"

That the Xbox 360 arcade continues to sell considerably less units than the Wii despite its lower price suggests that price is not quite as important a factor as you might think.

Im also wondering if this will then 'cause' a shift of wii gamers who baught into the wii because of its price and are fed up with SD gaming and want HD gaming now its cheaper.

This is pure speculation. Sales data suggests otherwise.

And I'm wondering if there will be alot of these people out there because in my own little world the people I've spoken to seem to prefer the HD gaming over their wiis. I also want to know if this price thing has covered up a 'fad' nature of the wii or something entierly different if it so does turn out to be true that people were more inclined to purchase a wii for its cheapness

Again, given that Wii sales are higher than the Xbox 360 arcade despite its lower price should dispell any notion that price has obscured its 'fad nature'.