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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The user shift from wii to HD

After looking at the split between the HD gaming market and the Wiis standard definition market, and asking a few owners of all 3 consoles about their feelings towards their purchases I’ve noticed the Wii is seen to be some what redundant. Why? Well in comparison to the 2 giants of this generation it seems to go unappreciated and unplayed when they’re both on the same TV cabinet. I’m aware of a simple fact though; Nintendo is one company that is verging on owning over 50% of the current generation market. We’re not looking at companies though, we’re looking at the current generation HD vs SD gaming market. This is a completely different picture where Nintendo is only half as popular as the sales statistics break down sounds.

I’m interested in exploring this ‘gimmick’ idea of the Wii due to the recent price drops of the 360. They have literally made the console cheaper to buy then a Wii (in Australia), and I’m assuming its following similar price drops in other countries? It’s also obvious due to the lack of a PS3 Christmas boom that Sony can’t maintain its current pricing or else it’s going to have to admit defeat, so I think Sony will have to seriously consider a price drop sooner then later, making the HD gaming market even more attractive.


Now it’s impossible to know what I want to know for certain as we can’t be definite on how many owners of the wii are buying into an alternative console so I’m not even going to begin to make assumptions but I have picked up on a general feeling towards the Wii. And that is once a customer moves onto HD gaming the Wii is all but forgotten for a prettier screen. Now that HD gaming is making a move to being as cheap or cheaper (depending where you shop) than Wii gaming, could we expect a higher shift of wii owners moving to HD? Could this begin to show that the wii actually has a gimmick 'buy it because its the new trend' nature?

The demand for the Wii will always overshadow the shift of older users buying into HD consoles as new Wii users keep up the sales powered by their excitement for something new. But if the buying price for the Wii was one of its main attractions for its customers (like myself) then those same users who have gotten over the excitement of ‘new motion controls' (the gimmick concept), like myself will now be seeing the 360 (and maybe soon to be cheaper ps3) as another viable entertainment source, if not a better, prettier and more mature one.  

I would like to hear your opinions on my thoughts, agreeing or disagreeing. I would like to know what the general feeling is across the gaming community of this shift idea and what it could reveal about the general customers satisfaction with the Wii. I for one have been swayed from Nintendo fanboyism to a more rational thinking towards gaming and the huge benefits that come with a powerful console. (benefits that I used to think were pointless and unneeded) All because of a price drop! I also don't think the wii is quite a gimmick because the implimentation of the technology really creates an awesome interactive gaming experience. But I think from a marketing point of view its appeal might run short with cheaper options on sale. For pre-existing Wii owners and new customers.

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Yea it's a gimmick and no one ever plays it, they just keep buying more and more games not to play.

Like 10 million people bought Mario Karts just to not race. Look at the game numbers and see if you can still believe yourself.

Give me a break.

Motion control for those that prefer it is no more a gimmick than eye candy.

Grampy said:
Yea it's a gimmick and no one ever plays it, they just keep buying more and more games not to play.

Like 10 million people bought Mario Karts just to not race. Look at the game numbers and see if you can still believe yourself.

Give me a break.

Motion control for those that prefer it is no more a gimmick than eye candy.

Well if you look at software....

SD sold 5 million, HD sold 7 million(last week), if you look at attach rates HD averages out to 6 to 1, SD 5 to 1.....

He does have a point though, those with a Wii AND an HD console seem to play the HD console more.


Anecdotal evidence does not equal actual evidence. I can just as easily find plenty of people who had a 360 but then got a Wii and make a long-winded post about how HD gaming is dying and Wii is the future.

You have to look at the overall trends and evidence and not pick out bits and pieces you want.

Personally, I play all of my consoles in a series. My Wii and 360 are dusting while I am playing on my PC and PS3. Before that it was 360 and PC that got the action. Before that it was the Wii and PC. Well, the PC is always getting action :) it is my favorite console.

Proud owner of the following gaming devices:

PC, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PS3


Are you serious?



        Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720   XBOX GT: WICK1978               PSN: its_the_wick   3DS: 1676-3747-7846                                          Nintendo Network: its-the-wick

Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U

The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron

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Username2324 said:

Well if you look at software....

SD sold 5 million, HD sold 7 million, if you look at attach rates HD averages out to 6 to 1, SD 5 to 1.....

He does have a point though, those with a Wii AND an HD console seem to play the HD console more.



It is a moot point because you have to consider what kind of gamer will own both a Wii and 360. Most gamers purchase only a single console each generation, so the gamer that buys two is most likely a more dedicated/core gamer. 360 appeals to that kind of a gamer more and there we go, Wii gets less playtime. But once again this is a very small minority and Wii seems to fulfill the needs of millions more gamers than PS3 or 360. And just because some gamers prefer core games while other dont, it doesnt make these games superior.

Proud owner of the following gaming devices:

PC, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PS3


well i first bought my wii in dec 2006, a year later dec 29 2007 i bought my ps3.

i sold my wii still keep my ps3.

i used it for movies and games mainly games i am actually having an event this friday and my ps3 it's the main attraction.

Well, I own both an Xbox 360 and a Wii...and I definitely prefer the Wii.

Despite what some try to suggest, gamers are quite diverse in their preferences.

the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market.

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

SnowWhitesDrug said:
the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market.

Care to substantiate that claim? Last time I checked, the Wii marketshare was growing not declining, and soon it will be over 50%.