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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 Debuts at Disappointing in UK

Like i said before Sony made a misstake for not realeasing it worldwide.


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papflesje said:
heruamon: so because it didn't get the sales that some people expect (and the game deserves, according to the people who did play it), the reason is "because people are not buying into the hype"? Oh please...

?...I'm strictly looking at sales...the bar has been set for shooter by 360, and GTA set other's only expected that a LEAD title that had been hyped all freaking year would be compared to it's nearest competitor?  The PS3 has the global sales numbers to surpass 360 when Halo 3 was released, and considering that this was a launch title, and nearly EVERY original ps3 owner I knew had it, I'm a bit surprised it's performing as poorly as it has been doing.  Nothing more or less...I'm not judging the content, just the performance....I love The Incredible Hulk, but was bored silly thru The Dark Knight....I'm still no fool to try and compare those two films to each other.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

The first game launched with the console in Europe. There was basically no other game to play at the time on the console, so most owners must have picked it up at the time leading to large opening sales.

I live in Ireland which is almost always counted into UK data. I bought the first Resistance at launch, I haven't bought the second one yet, but I certianly want to. I'm sure there are plenty others like me.

Also the fact that Sony have the prices hiked to an astonishingly high €70 per first party title doesn't help first party sales in Europe. (Gears 2 for comparison is selling at €49.)


It doesn't appear to be a tremendously good seller, but it does relatively well.

The games legs are already dying down if we go by the increase in users on the R2 leaderboards.  I would say the game sold more during launch week in NA then Europe by a decent amount.

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First one was a decent games, that got really high sales because of bundling and being one of the few decent launch titles. And i think sales of R2 are dissapointing considering the hype that have surrounded this game.

Well it just released today in Germany and Austria...

heruamon said:
KylieDog said:
Oh, another R2 sales thread. This is as needed as another RPG on the DS.

How about waiting 6 months and discussing some real sales data.

Sooo...first week's sales data isn't an indicator of performance now?  Can you provide some data to show how mediorce openings translate into massive sales ltd?  It's been my observation that if a game opens strongly, it stand a strong chance to do well, and if it does...  With other big name shooters coming out on the ps3 like KZ2, I'm not sure why there will be some boost in R2...


Uncharted says hi. 2Million LTD

Zucas said:

Lost out to COD5 is what I interpret. Shooters are usually a very mainstream genres so in some ways its not that surprising. COD is just a bigger mainstream franchise right now than Resistance.

Don't get me wrong Resi 2 sales will still be pretty good but not as good as COD5.


 Sorry mate but there is running damage control and then there is just plain stupid. How can you defend it being 10th because it is a shooter when there are other shooters in the list above it?! Even one on top spot...

A game that has been on sale now 4 weeks and has just broken the 400k mark with over 17m consoles to sell to with it being hyped as equal if not better to the Gears franchise should be selling more then that. That is not "Pretty good sales" that is "Fecking awful sales". But as i said there is damage control and then there is just stupidity...

First day sales.



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