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Forums - Sony Discussion - New firmware update for ps3

@SnakeEyez, Screen grab feature is in Motorstorm 2

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Ohh....ok thats cool. I wish that R2 had it, there's some funny/cool moments I wish I could take pics of.

SnakeEyez said:

Watever happened to screen grabs? Is it possible, just that devs havent implemented it yet? Hopefully all games support it in 2009 like trophies.


 Agree, this would do wonders of the new PoP game.

MGS4 has a camera for screen pics as well.

Thanks! Updating right now.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


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except this is update is probably aimed at horndogs.

leo-j said:
Adds Full screen mode for flash (if your playing a flash game on the internet, or watching IGN/ GT HD videos, they are now vewible in full screen without have to zoom in to reduce quality).

Pretty much the same thing....


The official PlayStation website might have leaked information regarding firmware 2.53, but it was clearly very wrong about the date. The update didn't drop on November 26th, as the website suggested, but is instead available right now. Honestly, it's true. Go check for yourself.

The latest firmware adds full screen functionality to embedded Flash videos in the web browser, as well as generally "improving the way the Flash Player works with the internet browser." Meaning more websites will now work. Overall, a nice, if slightly anemic, firmware update. It's all free though, so we can't complain. Go on commenters, prove us wrong.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

Can anyone explain why the PS3 internet browser is complete garbage? I mean its a nice feature and all, but it's had two years to be updated and its still much slower than say Firefox and IE, and has much less functionality. I just dont understand the problem and why it is so far behind the competition.

^ so it's a $400 internet browser that can play games and BD? j/k