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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Registers Biggest Black Friday in Its History, Outsells PS3 3 to 1

Lord N said:
Domicinator said:


Throwing the Wii comments in there is just pathetic, but I wouldn't expect anything else considering the people who are posting those comments.  Microsoft admitted months ago (as they should have) that they are not competing with the Wii.  The Wii is not an HD console and does not have the same kind of games.  PS3/360 are HD consoles for hardcore gamers.  Last gen there was Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube and the Gamecube eventually fizzled and died.  The same thing sort of happened to the N64, though I think I remember it being supported for a lot longer than the Gamecube was.  Nintendo had to do something to seperate themselves from the hardcore gaming audience and they did.  They took a gamble and they won.  But they also have still not shaken the kiddie/chicks/old people rep that the Wii has acquired.  The Wii is going to hit a wall if Nintendo doesn't eventually release some serious software for it.  I think they know that, which is why they don't flood the market with Wii systems.  But that's beside the point.

The point is that trying to rain on MS' Black Friday parade by mentioning the Wii is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  I have often felt in the past, at least in analyst reports and sales figures, that they always talk about how well the Wii sells and how poorly the PS3 sells, but never seem to mention the continually strong sales of the 360.  And I'm not just talking about Black Friday, I'm talking about throughout the year.  There is some game media out there that refuses to admit that the 360 has been a VERY successful system for Microsoft so far, so they just don't even bother mentioning them.  Recently it's been more fairly covered because of the price drop and its sales boost for the holidays. 

Anyway, again, it's stupid to mention Wii sales in this thread.  And if you're going to ask things like "how much did the 360 outsell the Wii by?", then I'm going to have to ask how much the PS3 outsold the Wii by.  The answer to the second question is much more pathetic--to the tune of about 6 million more sold units and rising.


That's cool, so I guess the PSP is the undisputed king of the handheld market since Sony isn't competing with Nintendo.

Seriously, this entire post is just pathetic. Like it or not, Microsoft is competing with Nintendo, else they wouldn't be trying their damndest to make inroads into the casual market.

But I guess the 360 is VERY successful if your measure of success is a distant, unprofitable second that only sells well during the holidays. It doesn't have these continually strong sales of which you speak. It's sales during the rest of the year aren't anything worthy of cartwheels, and if the Wii weren't around, the home console market would be in serious trouble due to rather slow sales.



Exactly...It doesn't matter who Microsoft "said" they are competing with. You can't just ignore the Wii and pretend you are in the lead.

That being said 930K is pretty damn impressive for a second place console.


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Domicinator said:


Throwing the Wii comments in there is just pathetic, but I wouldn't expect anything else considering the people who are posting those comments.  Microsoft admitted months ago (as they should have) that they are not competing with the Wii.  The Wii is not an HD console and does not have the same kind of games.  PS3/360 are HD consoles for hardcore gamers.  Last gen there was Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube and the Gamecube eventually fizzled and died.  The same thing sort of happened to the N64, though I think I remember it being supported for a lot longer than the Gamecube was.  Nintendo had to do something to seperate themselves from the hardcore gaming audience and they did.  They took a gamble and they won.  But they also have still not shaken the kiddie/chicks/old people rep that the Wii has acquired.  The Wii is going to hit a wall if Nintendo doesn't eventually release some serious software for it.  I think they know that, which is why they don't flood the market with Wii systems.  But that's beside the point.

The point is that trying to rain on MS' Black Friday parade by mentioning the Wii is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  I have often felt in the past, at least in analyst reports and sales figures, that they always talk about how well the Wii sells and how poorly the PS3 sells, but never seem to mention the continually strong sales of the 360.  And I'm not just talking about Black Friday, I'm talking about throughout the year.  There is some game media out there that refuses to admit that the 360 has been a VERY successful system for Microsoft so far, so they just don't even bother mentioning them.  Recently it's been more fairly covered because of the price drop and its sales boost for the holidays. 

Anyway, again, it's stupid to mention Wii sales in this thread.  And if you're going to ask things like "how much did the 360 outsell the Wii by?", then I'm going to have to ask how much the PS3 outsold the Wii by.  The answer to the second question is much more pathetic--to the tune of about 6 million more sold units and rising.

LOL! dont worry, Wii Owners feel left out every time there is a thread that does not mention the Wii's Casual Sales Dominance. 

MS can sell like 60 million consoles and Wii Owners will be quick to point out that its only 1/10th of the Wii sales, "so Dont you dare celebrate those sales MS because you got pwned"



perpride said:
Lord N said:
Domicinator said:


Throwing the Wii comments in there is just pathetic, but I wouldn't expect anything else considering the people who are posting those comments.  Microsoft admitted months ago (as they should have) that they are not competing with the Wii.  The Wii is not an HD console and does not have the same kind of games.  PS3/360 are HD consoles for hardcore gamers.  Last gen there was Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube and the Gamecube eventually fizzled and died.  The same thing sort of happened to the N64, though I think I remember it being supported for a lot longer than the Gamecube was.  Nintendo had to do something to seperate themselves from the hardcore gaming audience and they did.  They took a gamble and they won.  But they also have still not shaken the kiddie/chicks/old people rep that the Wii has acquired.  The Wii is going to hit a wall if Nintendo doesn't eventually release some serious software for it.  I think they know that, which is why they don't flood the market with Wii systems.  But that's beside the point.

The point is that trying to rain on MS' Black Friday parade by mentioning the Wii is the stup idest thing I've ever heard.  I have often felt in the past, at least in analyst reports and sales figures, that they always talk about how well the Wii sells and how poorly the PS3 sells, but never seem to mention the continually strong sales of the 360.  And I'm not just talking about Black Friday, I'm talking about throughout the year.  There is some game media out there that refuses to admit that the 360 has been a VERY successful system for Microsoft so far, so they just don't even bother mentioning them.  Recently it's been more fairly covered because of the price drop and its sales boost for the holidays. 

Anyway, again, it's stupid to mention Wii sales in this thread.  And if you're going to ask things like "how much did the 360 outsell the Wii by?", then I'm going to have to ask how much the PS3 outsold the Wii by.  The answer to the second question is much more pathetic--to the tune of about 6 million more sold units and rising.


That's cool, so I guess the PSP is the undisputed king of the handheld market since Sony isn't competing with Nintendo.

Seriously, this entire post is just pathetic. Like it or not, Microsoft is competing with Nintendo, else they wouldn't be trying their damndest to make inroads into the casual market.

But I guess the 360 is VERY successful if your measure of success is a distant, unprofitable second that only sells well during the holidays. It doesn't have these continually strong sales of which you speak. It's sales during the rest of the year aren't anything worthy of cartwheels, and if the Wii weren't around, the home console market would be in serious trouble due to rather slow sales.



Exactly...It doesn't matter who Microsoft "said" they are competing with. You can't just ignore the Wii and pretend you are in the lead.

That being said 930K is pretty damn impressive for a second place console.



Everyone knows Wii is king. And thats great for Nintendo and the gaming industry.  All the little Mario nuthuggers of the world will one day grow up to appreciate better games and expand the market for us veteran gamers. And the Wii is not without its merits. Occasionally a worthwhile game comes out. But most of their stuff is crap. It would explain their horrible game attatch rate.  But Im not here to talk about that.

This article is about the glory of the 360.  It has secured itself in second place and is giving the PS3 a thorough spanking in the "HD console" market. But even then things arent looking to shabby for the PS3. They are getting by on the scraps that trickle down the food chain. But oh how the mighty Sony has fallen.

Not MS though. Rock on 360! Make us supporters proud.

leo-j said:
CaptDS9E said:
Was there a part of the article you saw with magic glasses leo? Don't see that quote



With a mass-market price point starting at $199.99 worldwide (estimated retail price) for Xbox 360 Arcade, a games lineup of more broad-appeal social titles than any other platform, and the recently launched New Xbox Experience, Xbox 360 is leading the industry and inviting everyone to play.
last paragraph


$199 Price Point - Leading the Industry? yes

Games lineup of more broad-appeal social titles than any other platform - Leading the industry?? maybe, between it and the Wii, I would say its close

Recently launched new xbox experience - Leading the industry ? Maybe, the Avatars are a knockoff, Netflix is awesome for those who live in U.S., The cross game party chats is also awesome and the one thing I use the most with the new NXE.

So is the 360 leading the industry.. in a lot of ways yes. Is it leading in sales? of course not, but no where in that paragraph does it mention sales.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


It must have outsold the Wii by 30 to 1 then.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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Nintendo is in third place for HD consoles.

There! everyone happy?!

sweet great job microsoft

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

goddamit sony reduce the price of your console now!

selnor said:
Does anyone else notice that it's the 2nd time M$ state they already have an installed base of 25mill+ ? Twice now they have said this recently. Installed implies in homes. I think Vgchartz is undertracking.



Or.... Microsoft is overtracking? -.-

So if you believe vgchartz information then 477,956/198,068 = 2.41

Play my LittleBigLove level: search keywords "LittleBigLove realil"

LJ (Russian):