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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Registers Biggest Black Friday in Its History, Outsells PS3 3 to 1

KatinJin said:
Yea, with these figures the PS3 certainly did worse than last year for the month comparing it to NPD. I think it could be a really tough December for it as well.

Yeah, when Microsoft said they sold 310k last thanksgiving weekend, they also said they outsold the PS3 2:1. That would mean the PS3 sold around 155k last year. Adding in the 25% (360) increase this year and the 3:1 ratio, the PS3 is around 129k this year.


Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
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Wow they sold so much that the XBOX 360 is now leading the gaming industry 0-0


SnakeEyez said:

WOW! that is crazy. I can see why price + practically every teen wants/plays it. I'm watching Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles (IDK if any of ya watch that) and they were playing Gears Of War, showed gameplay and everything, I was like WOW, u never see that for PS3 (besides Heavenly Sword in Heroes in one episode). errr where was I? oh yea, 3:1, bye bye PS3 this holiday.

Micah on Heroes was playing Heavenly Sword on PS3, LOL! Am I the only one who caught that on that episode?

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250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

Was there a part of the article you saw with magic glasses leo? Don't see that quote

One should note they are only estimating the 25% increase.

For all we know, Microsoft could be pulling that number out of their rear end.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Around the Network
CaptDS9E said:
Was there a part of the article you saw with magic glasses leo? Don't see that quote



With a mass-market price point starting at $199.99 worldwide (estimated retail price) for Xbox 360 Arcade, a games lineup of more broad-appeal social titles than any other platform, and the recently launched New Xbox Experience, Xbox 360 is leading the industry and inviting everyone to play.
last paragraph



great news for xbox 360, with other numbers > 300K, intesting week.

If Sony is just going to give this Christmas season away, then they are pretty much giving up and taking third place.

360 sold 770k last November in the US. A 25% increase for the month would be ~930k (did it my head, don't quote me). Niceeeeeeeee.

freebird4 said:
360 sold 770k last November in the US. A 25% increase for the month would be ~930k (did it my head, don't quote me). Niceeeeeeeee.

Yeah, but they are only talking about a 25% increase for Thanksgiving weekend sales, not the whole month.  The whole month increase could be higher or lower than 25%.


Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%