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Forums - Sales Discussion - Other SALE UP! -- Playstation biting the dust!

Thats all Microsoft can do is tricks and BS. Its Sonys fault they are behind, it isnt due to the genius of Bill Gates that they are ahead. Microsoft built a substandard system they put it out ahead of sony and were able to stay ahead by garning some good software and exclusives and charging people to go online. If the PS3 was under 300 dollars there would be no question who the winner would be.

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Funny in the title you used Playstation, if you count up PSP, PS2, and the PS3 it out sold the Xboxes.

360 domination all over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!

bucknasty said:

Thats all Microsoft can do is tricks and BS. Its Sonys fault they are behind, it isnt due to the genius of Bill Gates that they are ahead. Microsoft built a substandard system they put it out ahead of sony and were able to stay ahead by garning some good software and exclusives and charging people to go online. If the PS3 was under 300 dollars there would be no question who the winner would be.


You do realize Bill Gates has been gone for over a year now?

Do you even realize that the Xbox Division, which is lumped into the gadgets department with the Zune and other things, isnt even managed by Steve Balmer (current CEO of M$).

Forget who is incharge now. I know he worked for EA, basically he and Peter Moore switched jobs.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

The bottomline is if you want to be the top console you have to get the price around or preferably under 200 ( the magic price for parents) and make games for kids. Neither Sony or Microsoft has this in there next gen consoles.

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Poor Sony is losing its touch.

I realize he is gone, but he was the one who launched that turd on the market

bucknasty said:
The bottomline is if you want to be the top console you have to get the price around or preferably under 200 ( the magic price for parents) and make games for kids. Neither Sony or Microsoft has this in there next gen consoles.


I think the magic price went up to $249.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:
nightsurge said:
bucknasty said:
look sony isnt going anywhere. be realistic, there gonna cut the price this coming year and where will the 360 be then?

Something we can only speculate on.  Just like the PS3 price cut itself.  You can't say for sure when and how much it will be, or how much affect it will have.  Nor can you predict what MS would do to combat it.


Well look at it this way. Before last holiday when Blu-ray players were $400 very few people bought them, after the holiday was said and done there was a universal price cut to about $300. If you notice sales increased for Blu-ray this entire year.

While $300 wouldnt be exactly that $200 magic number, $300 is still a very friendly price point for a more people.

You also cant say the 360 has truly reached that number yet either 1. since the arcade is an insanely stripped down model. If you 2. notice the arcade isnt selling out or isnt selling out as fast as the more expensive SKUs because buying an HDD for the arcade is a bloddy ripoff compared to just buying a Pro and even average people might realize this because they might be smart enough to ask what is the difference between SKUs.

1.  The only thing it really lacks is a hard drive, maybe an ethernet cable and headset.

2.  It is selling out, and faster than the other SKU's.  Buying the kit to upgrade gives you a 60GB hard drive, headset, ethernet cable, and 3 months of LIVE for $100.  Making it the same as the Pro with a free 3 months of LIVE.  Also, many people have used the 20GB for $20 deal, or use Ebay to save money on the hard drive.

But I do agree.  The 360 will not reach the "magic $200 price point" until the main Pro model gets to that price.


eliasg said:
360 domination all over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you mean Nintendo domination all over the world?