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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii owners Secret Santa thread (Post before December 15th to join!)

ah man i remember those days... the old school mega man's and yeah that will be quite the trip

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Alright, I'm happy to report that nearly all the gifts have been handed out, and I'm confident that the few remaining ones will be handed out soon too. I think we can call this thing a success, thanks to all of you.

noname2200 said:
I think we can call this thing a success, thanks to all of you.

FIXED! lol

I am happy to report that my Santa has arrived and drop a fabulous gift on my lap, the one and only Super Mario RPG!! :D

oh the magic memories and now I have to pass it again! And this entire thing couldn't have been done without our great organizer of course! Thanks a bunch man! It was an enjoyable experience to take part in a little xmas spirit


“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life." - author unknown

took the words out right off my finger tips

noname2200 said:
Alright, I'm happy to report that nearly all the gifts have been handed out, and I'm confident that the few remaining ones will be handed out soon too. I think we can call this thing a success, thanks to all of you.

You did a good thing, here. Thank you.

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so is Starbruin and me the only ones left??

Well Great Job NoName, and thanks alot for setting this up. It was very well done.

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

GalacticPenguin said:
so is Starbruin and me the only ones left??

Actually, to the best of my knowledge, it's now just you, Maynard_Tool, and me. Your person should be done before Sunday at the latest: Maynard-Tool and I will have to wait until after the 8th at the earliest.

And of course, if I've forgotten anyone, let me know!


dang what happen with yall

Nothing we didn't expect, so I'm not too worried. And I'm sure your dude will deliver sooner rather than later too. Soooo close to finishing!