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Forums - General Discussion - Is vgchartz nerdy?

Are you high of course not that would be like saying that I'm a nerd.Nerds are those losers at my school that talk about the weapons they got on maple story.Vgchartz is for cool people and sarcastic one's too.Also aren't those ain't these the second time that you mention your enemies from school?Weren't those the one's that say video games were for kids or something like that? Tells your friends that if they one to talk crap about vgchartz that they are messing with cTK the coolest kid.cTK listens to the Beastie boys.

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ctk495 said:
Are you high of course not that would be like saying that I'm a nerd.Nerds are those losers at my school that talk about the weapons they got on maple story.Vgchartz is for cool people and sarcastic one's too.Also aren't those ain't these the second time that you mention your enemies from school?Weren't those the one's that say video games were for kids or something like that? Tells your friends that if they one to talk crap about vgchartz that they are messing with cTK the coolest kid.cTK listens to the Beastie boys.


 eh its ok they make fun of me yes, but i beat them up easily

What do you think?

Most people consider it nerdy to play a lot of games

What do you think going on a website to talk about how a game sold is?


I don't really care if people consider me to be a geek/nerd. It isn't like I try to hide that I know a lot or anything (I may even be a bit braggy about it).


If you don't care about being a geek/nerd, I guess most people won't consider you one.


PS: This comes from a guy who when he fells a bit ill sits down and does some math to start feeling better.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

damn son, you must be new here, erbody know vg is for gangsters and hustlers
so get yo gaming on

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Honestly, most people i see here doesn't seem like nerds.

Damn, i wonder how some people here actually have time to gaming with all the shit they do.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

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No, but non-members or guests will think so.

4 ≈ One

Wait, how do you determine what a nerd is?

I use it as someone who is very devoted to one thing, and a bit one-tracked.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

chapset said:
damn son, you must be new here, erbody know vg is for gangsters and hustlers
so get yo gaming on

Fa sho, I second dat. 

OT:  How do people make fun of you for going to a certain website?  Because you post in forums and stuff?  I don't know I think that's kind of lame.  Just about everyone is a nerd/geek whatever in someway.


Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

quarashi said:
chapset said:
damn son, you must be new here, erbody know vg is for gangsters and hustlers
so get yo gaming on

Fa sho, I second dat.

OT:  How do people make fun of you for going to a certain website?  Because you post in forums and stuff?  I don't know I think that's kind of lame.  Just about everyone is a nerd/geek whatever in someway.


Some friends and I did a pretty funny thing about that actually.

1 guy in my class was really being bullied, and he was just retarded when trying to defend himself against it. So, as my friends and I realised this, we decided to blackmail the 2 bulliers. As it turned out, they had both played WoW, but didn't want to admit it (as that is "geekish" or something), so we blackmailed them making them stop bullying my classmate.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

quarashi said:
chapset said:
damn son, you must be new here, erbody know vg is for gangsters and hustlers
so get yo gaming on

Fa sho, I second dat. 

OT:  How do people make fun of you for going to a certain website?  Because you post in forums and stuff?  I don't know I think that's kind of lame.  Just about everyone is a nerd/geek whatever in someway.



Except for me, that is.

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