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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 thread

Oh yeah, I loved the school trip. It was pretty funny and nice to sort of relive those moments. In front of the hotel, I thought Takaya was still alive.

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Mirson said:

Oh yeah, I loved the school trip. It was pretty funny and nice to sort of relive those moments. In front of the hotel, I thought Takaya was still alive.

Yeah, the school trip is fanservice at it's finest. Though I wish more people from P3 had appeared, it was great seeing them eat at Hagakure and remembering the moments you went there in P3.


Anyone know what level I should be to fight Rise's shadow? I thought it took 3 days of rain for the fog to set in, but it's two apparently, so now I'm on my last day. >_

Currently playing: Marvel vs. Capcom 3, League of Legends

Rise's shadow isn't too bad. Just remember that when you see someone do one of those charging techniques that you have everyone guard the next turn.


For those who beat the game (Normal/True Ending):

What did you think the end? I was happy how things were wrapped up, and the ending was quite heartwarming, and I couldn't help but feel happy when I saw MC looking at the picture of his friends.

As for the villains, I actually felt sorry for Adachi and especially Namadame. The latter is obvious, but with Adachi, one big question arose in my mind; Would he have done such deeds if he wasn't overwhelmed by the power of Izanami? Somehow, I don't think so. The letter he sent during the true ending, was possibly a confirmation that he wasn't such an evil person.

Overall, GoTY, etc. Can`t wait for the next SMT game of any sort, since it has quickly become my favourite game series.

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I finished it

GOTY, best game ever for the PS2 and all that blah blah

The ending was great, but damn, I got the Normal ending and now checking a FAQ, the true Ending is very easy to get (I think I would have gotten if I chose no instead of yes), but I saved the new cycle over the last save I had (that was from th 24th December after I beat the final boss). I still have one save but it's just before I fight Adachi, and I don't wanna do both fights all over again...they are too long...but I need to see the true ending. Oh, well, I'll probably do it again 'cause I love this game, no way I miss the True Ending

i just got my copy, but i must finish persona 3 first :(

Got the True Ending at least! And I must say, everyone must see it, the other endings are nothing compared to it.

About it

I think both Namatame and Adachi weren't neither pure evil nor good persons, they certainly, specially Adachi, had some issues within them, he just needed a "push", but I think that there was the latent "bad mind" in him before Izanami appeared. I think the letter is just a showing that he acknowledged his defeat and saw that, given that now he was powerless, he wanted to know what motivated everything.

But yeah, he's not a "pure evil" char, he's just a bit repressed in his previous work, so when he saw he had power, he chose to use it

Sorry to say, but I absolutely love this game's sense of humour. I've never laughed this much at a video game. Anyone know how long this game is, by the way? It seems like it's gonna be much shorter than "The Journey" in Persona 3.

Currently playing: Marvel vs. Capcom 3, League of Legends

Kaixes said:
Sorry to say, but I absolutely love this game's sense of humour. I've never laughed this much at a video game. Anyone know how long this game is, by the way? It seems like it's gonna be much shorter than "The Journey" in Persona 3.

Took me 65h58mins with the true ending. P3 took me 71. But of course, P3 had Monad where I spent a lot of time grinding for fun, while there's no dungeon like it in P4. Overall, they are similar in length