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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 2009 Last Chance For SONY? Microsoft Domination Continues

@CGI-Quality: If you can be happy with games and not care about the price cuts it's even better of course. I only wrote that because I see some people who are taking the price cut too much for granted and relying on it to fuel their expectations of an early recovery in 2009. It might happen as I said, but I think people took that rumor too seriously.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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I don't see it dying any time soon. And I also don't expect a price cut b4 summer anymore... but that's just me...

4 ≈ One

If Sony cannot reverse the 360 momentum in 2009 it is lights out...

Sony cannot have 360 win another year over it.

it wouldn't die but the points that I mentioned would make it beat 360 and probably the Wii


It would really help vs the 360, but the bolded is blasphemy, I tell you! BLASPHEMY!

Neither can beat the Wii, and neither will. The PS3 has a very, very little chance of catching up to the 360, let alone beating it.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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Dude a lot and i mean a lot of time is remaining for this generation to end.The PlayStation brand is far more popular and powerful than the other gaming brands around the world.Why do you think the PS2 is still selling.Once the price goes down the people will stop buying the PS2 and then buy the PS3.The sales then would be huge.

lol I'd be surprized if ps3 hits 45 million and wiis almost there.

Its not Microsoft domination, its Nintendo Domination and the wii may have a bigger 2009 than 2008.

The PS3 is not going to die, guys. Give it up. The GC didn't "die" last gen, and the PS2 gave it and the XBox a beat-down way worse than the Wii is giving to the PS3 and 360.

Sony has a good architecture for moving forward (I would argue much better than MS's, although perhaps not as good as Nintendo could have, if they play their cards right), so the PS3 will march on, even if it is in "3rd place" -- the PS4 may very well be fully BC thanks to the PS3's easily-scalable architecture, so devs won't have to spend many millions to make software engines for it, if they make them now.

That's a bigger deal than you might think.


I have to agree on one thing: the playstation 3 really has to sell better in 2009 that it dit in 2008. A 35M userbase by the end of 2009 would be very nice.