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Forums - Sales Discussion - Square Enix 08 sales Down 75%

I wonder though, why did Versus stay PS3 exclusive? hmmmmm


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some games are missing.
serves them right tho.

the only great games they've given us since FFX have been Crisis Core and The World Ends With You

darthdevidem01 said:

DQ 9 -- 4 Million

FF13 -- 2.5 Million

KH 385 days -- 1 Million

KH BBS -- 500K

FFCC DS -- 400K

FFCC Wii -- 400K

SO4 360 -- 400K

TLR PS3 -- 60K

DQ6 DS -- 1.5 Million

= 9 Million NOT anywhere near 10 million and so on m afraid


 There are many games released in 2008, but will keep selling in 2009. Like Dissidia, which will only have 2 weeks of its sales in 2008. There will also be many minor games, for Wii and DS. And the list only includes titles already confirmed for 2009, I think there will be something else for 2009 announced later.

   So 10 millions is what I am expecting, and more if games like The 3rd Birthday and Agito XIII will be released in 2009 aswell(that's unlikely to happen, however)

Oyvoyvoyv said:
RPG said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
darthdevidem01 said:

DQ 9 -- 4 Million

FF13 -- 2.5 Million

KH 385 days -- 1 Million

KH BBS -- 500K

FFCC DS -- 400K

FFCC Wii -- 400K

SO4 360 -- 400K

TLR PS3 -- 60K

DQ6 DS -- 1.5 Million

= 9 Million NOT anywhere near 10 million and so on m afraid


 I believe you are being a bit pessimistic (except for FF13), but even if it makes 9M, that makes 2008 + 2009 = ~ 13M

2006 + 2007 = 14M


Which means that there is no real dropoff in SE's sales, which I believe was Rei's point.



Thanks to Sony and Nintendo, which still begs the question why SE continue to make 360 exclusives. I am sire losses are being covered by MS but Wada is assuming here that MS will want part of SE for the rest of its future. If SO4 releases on 360 and does not do well a PS3 port 6 months later sure wont help sales, I think if SE really want to support the 360 then mukti plats are the way to go.

SO4 + FFXIII + Versus all multi plat + Wii support = SE making big money


 I think the Wii's problem, from SE's view, is that it is really inferior to the DS in every way.

- DS is cheaper

- Titles sell more on DS.


And I believe that SE want 2 things. 1) Profit and 2) Make awesome "epic" adventures. Of course they want to be able to do both, but when their main focus is at 1) The competition is Wii, DS and PsP. At the current time, Wii loses to DS in every way, thus getting no support. For 2) It is Ps3 vs X360. If Microsoft pays them money, they can worry less about 1), and thus not have to cut corners.



Well I personally believe that FFXIII/Versus/SO4 are all on HD consoles because they were in development way before anyone knew what the Wii was going to do. FFXIV on a handheld or Wii, I call it now.


DMeisterJ said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
I hope the fanboys screaming "serves them right" and the likes realize that dumping on them is not going to suddenly make everything go PS3 exclusive. It's not like the console is doing that much better in Japan anyway.

Please don't come in here trolling.

No one is talking about exclusively developing on the PS3.  We're talking about not exclusively developing on the lowest selling console in Japan, and developing on the Wii and the PS3 more, not giving exclusive games to the 360.

Please check your PS3 hate, and smart-ass remarks at the door.  Thank you.

ROFFLE. You must be on the verge of rage at the PS3 numbers if you honestly believe that acknowledging that it's not tearing up the charts is considered 'trolling.' SE has yet to release any of their games exclusively for 360: IU is Microsoft's IP and The Last Remnant is only timed exclusive. So don't come in here with this "we just want equal treatment" bullshit when most of the people pissing all over SE in this thread were the main ones slamming IU and TLR in their respective threads. That act is like tap water - it's in horrendous taste and entirely transparent.

If anyone should be up in arms it's the Nintendo crowd. The Wii hasn't gotten anything noteworthy from SE despite conquering Japan quite easily and their best effort's been MIA for over 12 months. Stangely enough, they're not the ones in here seething with "serves them right" comments and half-assed justifications.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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Rei said:
darthdevidem01 said:

DQ 9 -- 4 Million

FF13 -- 2.5 Million

KH 385 days -- 1 Million

KH BBS -- 500K

FFCC DS -- 400K

FFCC Wii -- 400K

SO4 360 -- 400K

TLR PS3 -- 60K

DQ6 DS -- 1.5 Million

= 9 Million NOT anywhere near 10 million and so on m afraid


 There are many games released in 2008, but will keep selling in 2009. Like Dissidia, which will only have 2 weeks of its sales in 2008. There will also be many minor games, for Wii and DS. And the list only includes titles already confirmed for 2009, I think there will be something else for 2009 announced later.

   So 10 millions is what I am expecting, and more if games like The 3rd Birthday and Agito XIII will be released in 2009 aswell(that's unlikely to happen, however)


Indeed it will be Sony and Nintendo to the rescue, hell DQ 9 will be more then enough from Nintendos side. The two games sales I cannot wait to see are SO4 for 360 and WKC for PS3 being made by Level 5. When WKC outsells SO4 (dont know when), I am pretty sure Wada will be licking his lips.

Well we all know SO4 is coming on PS3, sadly it will not release day and date with the 360 version. :(


I do also love it when people say SE are down in the gutters due to IU and TLR failing, yep now the D rate devs of SE making a bad game suddenly makes the FF team, KH team bad LOL. IU and TLR were nothing but pocked change, FFXIII and Versus will be on quality. SO4 will also be good, tri-ACE made IU but that again was probably by there D team or maybe even the main team were making it in there spare time.


ClaudeLv250 said:
DMeisterJ said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
I hope the fanboys screaming "serves them right" and the likes realize that dumping on them is not going to suddenly make everything go PS3 exclusive. It's not like the console is doing that much better in Japan anyway.

Please don't come in here trolling.

No one is talking about exclusively developing on the PS3.  We're talking about not exclusively developing on the lowest selling console in Japan, and developing on the Wii and the PS3 more, not giving exclusive games to the 360.

Please check your PS3 hate, and smart-ass remarks at the door.  Thank you.

ROFFLE. You must be on the verge of rage at the PS3 numbers if you honestly believe that acknowledging that it's not tearing up the charts is considered 'trolling.' SE has yet to release any of their games exclusively for 360: IU is Microsoft's IP and The Last Remnant is only timed exclusive. So don't come in here with this "we just want equal treatment" bullshit when most of the people pissing all over SE in this thread were the main ones slamming IU and TLR in their respective threads. That act is like tap water - it's in horrendous taste and entirely transparent.

If anyone should be up in arms it's the Nintendo crowd. The Wii hasn't gotten anything noteworthy from SE despite conquering Japan quite easily and their best effort's been MIA for over 12 months. Stangely enough, they're not the ones in here seething with "serves them right" comments and half-assed justifications.

I don't see where I said that the PS3 was 'tearing up the charts'.  The trolling is you saying someone said that 'it serves them right for not making PS3 exclusives' when no one said that or anything near that.  You must have been foaming at the mouth to make a statement about how bad the PS3 is doing in JP, and the 360 is doing even worse.  So why not make a multi-plat game instead of making an exclusive game for the XBOX 360 which is still well under 1 million units in JP sold.

Like I said, please check your PS3 hate, and smart-ass remarks at the door.  Thank you.


That's what they get for almost abandoning the PS3, they should of been releasing more games to the PS3 first, they would of had way better sales.


Gilgamesh said:

That's what they get for almost abandoning the PS3, they should of been releasing more games to the PS3 first, they would of had way better sales.



For multiplat, yes probably.

For Ps3 exclusive, not so sure.

Most of the 360's SE games have sold as much in NA as they did in Japan, and half of that in Others. Would they have done that on Ps3? I doubt it, well maybe in Others.


I'm guessing, that if they had went with Ps3 (exclusive), they would have made ~ 20-30% more sales max one those games.


So, the mistake is not putting FF13 on DS. It would almost certainly have sold more, had lower development costs, and taken shorter time to get out. This would have given them time to see where they should put FF14.


I think their main problem is that they are not willing to release enough high-profile handheld games.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS