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Forums - Sales Discussion - Square Enix 08 sales Down 75%

Avinash_Tyagi said:
Supporting one HD consoles while basically ignoring the Wii is their path to bankruptcy.

Intelligence would show them that they could produce a great game on Wii for the fraction of the cost.

SE has no games out on the PS3 yet.

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axumblade said:
Xen said:
^He means that sales percentage in comparison to last year will go up.

Yeah that's what I was meaning. It will go from being a 75% loss to a 60% loss between the two games (more specifically Chrono Trigger's great Japanese sales).


Ahh, Okay.

I assumed you meant that Square Enix would only get 40% of the costs to make it back, and therefore take a 60% loss.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I like many seem to think this is deserved for SE not releasing games on the 2 bigger home consoles in their own country.

Hmm, pie.

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Smashed said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
Smashed said:
msnolp said:
So who think FXIII will sold more on 360 than ps3.
for me is 360 because of its awesome user base.


Oh god.. Your kidding right? Firstly, FFXIII is an exclusive in Japan, where the game matters most. Secondly, it's been in the Playstation franchise for a long time, I can CONFIRM that it will for a fact sell better on PS3 because of those 2 reasons, quote me on it.


 I'm fairly certain he means excluding Japan.

Out of Japan, I don't really know. FF is pretty small in Others (big, but nowhere as big as in Americas/Japan). It will definately sell more on 360 in Americas. I think that the Others total will be short off 2M (combined), with a 66/33 split (favouring the Ps3). Can the 360 outsell the Ps3 version by more than that in Americas? Maybe.


Final Fantasy selling "good" in north america for 360? I just don't see it happening.


 Really? That's interesting.

Take this into consideration though.

- X360 is likely to have a more than twice as big installed base by the time FFXIII releases.

- The average X360 owner buys 33% more games than the average Ps3 owners.


On another note.

It is really interesting. Because Square Enix isn't supporting the Ps3 more than 360, some Ps3 owners feel that SE betrayed Sony/them.

I'm not sure the Internet will ever forgive Square Enix for E3 2008.



Yes, but from what we've seen so far most of the XBox fanbase are apathetic towards JRPGs.  For a console with almost 14 million users in NA, the sales of JRPGs like Last Remnant, Eternal Sonata, IU, Spectral Force 3, etc have been bad to atrocious.  I don't really understand why M$ are spending millions in securing these JRPGs when they could use that money to develop more western RPGs like Fable and Fallout which are instant hits and have a much larger appeal.  In contrast, TLR sold a pultry 45K copies in its first week.  That's an attach rate of less than 1%.  Is that really worth paying millions for a timed-exclusive contract?


XBOX 360 is likely to have twice the installed base of the ps3 by the time FF XIII comes out?

Where did this come from?


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lol i love it when the PS3 fanboyswhining, hey hows Eternal soanata's coming along guys? last time i checked it's elling below 360 sales, i dont give me the "uh bub-buh it's a port" i hear you guys stating time ans time again that you guys want JRPG's when you guys do you dont buy them.. why would S.E waste time on the PS3? if i were Sqaure-Enix i would go pro Ds and the Wii, for god sakes not even there 1st party sony games sales that good (Cough* VC and LBPcough)

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

leo-j said:
XBOX 360 is likely to have twice the installed base of the ps3 by the time FF XIII comes out?

Where did this come from?


 in way in america and doubt.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

Remember that Final Fantasy is far, far bigger than any of the 360's JRPGs, and that FF is the best selling RPG in Americas ever, regardless of whether it is JRPG, SRPG or WRPG.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS


Oh yes because LBP has no legs/sarcasm

We have yet to see a JRPG on the ps3 period. Once we have one, thats when we can say whether or not the ps3 can move software in japan(RPG wise).

Right now its all assumptions, and well considering the 360 has a 700k install base in japan, i think its ridiculouse to release HUGE square ip exclusive to the xbox 360 in japan, while the PS3 has nearly a 3million install base, and the wii what? 8 million?


leo-j said:
XBOX 360 is likely to have twice the installed base of the ps3 by the time FF XIII comes out?

Where did this come from?


 Again, you're taking it out of context. I replied to this.

Final Fantasy selling "good" in north america for 360?


So obviously, I was talking about the installed base in Americas.


Still, sorry. I should have made myself more clear, so that the people with 10K + posts could also understand.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS