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Forums - General Discussion - (TEST) The Right Brain vs Left Brain


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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sega4life said:


I mean is the attention span on this forum this bad??

That or people can't read...


"Just Post a simple Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise answer, Thats It."


How is it so hard for people to just post Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise?

well apparently to hard for some.


A person who can't spell (excample) has no right to tell me I can't read... (joking if it wasn't noted already)


Anyway, I saw clockwise originally, but I read what other people wrote (about being able to see both ways) I scrolled back up and she was going anti-clockwise. I tried to force the image to go back to clockwise, but couldn't. I stepped away from the comp for a few minutes, came back and she was going clockwise again.

WessleWoggle said:

I see it anti clockwise but I can make it go clockwise.

My mom sees counterclockwise but thinks it's only going one way... She was such a bitch when we had a argument about it. She argued how it's a 3-D image and that means it's only going one way. I told her it's a flat image on a screen not really 3-D, and it's going both way. She said that counts as a 3-D image because it give off the perception of 3-D. She turned out to be right about that... But it didn't solve our argument, and she refused to discuss it further, leaving the argument closed, and making her win. I hate it when I'm right but another's ignorism blinds them from allowing me to explain it to them, and it sucks more when It's someone you love that you consider smart. I hate people who change the topic and defeat the argument they presented, and then somehow thinks it defeats your argument.

Anyways, It's not really going either way, it's a silhouette, it's ambiguous, so it goes different ways for different people. It's not fake. Remove the torso and feet with your hands and it just looks like a leg swinging back and forth infront of another leg.


Show her this

i already did this

i can change it depending of what i want =)


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At first I thought clockwise because the dancer was spinning clockwise! But she's wobbling anti-clockwise! So I don't really know what the answer is that your looking for... Because both are, essentially, correct! It's just how you look at it!

And that's the way I see it! !


The J man just follows the shadow to change her direction.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

Ummm I can see her spin both ways when you look at her shadow and look back up she spins the other way each time.. well for me anyways

I can make her and her shadow spin in opposite directions at the same time.

Only when I can drag my eyes away from her nips though.

I see a clockwise spin.