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Forums - General Discussion - (TEST) The Right Brain vs Left Brain

I looked at this
and now whe is spinning clockwise for me. This shows the perspective for both clockwise and counter clockwise simultaneously.

Around the Network

If you look in the center of this
you see shw is actually sticking a leg out to the left, then the right. For a moment, her thighs touch and form a solid black blob. From that, you can create the illusion of her spinning on one foot, even though which foot she juts out changes.

Hawkeye said:
If you look in the center of this
you see shw is actually sticking a leg out to the left, then the right. For a moment, her thighs touch and form a solid black blob. From that, you can create the illusion of her spinning on one foot, even though which foot she juts out changes.

NOW I can see both


It makes sense that she is going back and forth instead of around... her foot never actaully points directly forward. Her foot seems to "jump". Its more apparent in the shadow.

I see it clockwise (and I've played it before and couldn't get it to do counterclockwise even once), but it's strange, because by that list I'm more of a left brain guy

For example (bolded: yes, crossed: no, nothing: dunno)

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion (I'm the most atheist guy you can imagine)
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking


Maye I'm having the wrong definition of clockwise????

Around the Network

If you cover up everything but her legs its easy to see that she is going back and forth, not around.
I'll look at this more tommorow. I need to finish my english paper and do my math homework. Its 11:30 and I have school at 6:00 :(

Hawkeye said:
If you cover up everything but her legs its easy to see that she is going back and forth, not around.
I'll look at this more tommorow. I need to finish my english paper and do my math homework. Its 11:30 and I have school at 6:00 :(

Hey, covering the legs I was able to make her go counterclockwise...but as soon as I discovered the whole body she went clockwise again...


dtewi said:
I can flip it around.

I can make it spin clockwise when thinking of a math problem.

This is fake. This is an optical illusion. Anecdote is not the plural from of data.

Well, there's my input.


um.... what?

a fake optical illusion??




did you mean "form of data" when describing Anecdote?


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I only see it going clockwise. Which isn't surprising given I'm a Director. I see everything visually.

clockwise. as a one pussy cat really liked watching it spin

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