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Forums - General Discussion - (TEST) The Right Brain vs Left Brain

Same answer as blazinhead89.

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ssj12 said:
sega4life said:
ssj12 said:
sega4life said:


I mean is the attention span on this forum this bad??

That or people can't read...


"Just Post a simple Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise answer, Thats It."

How is it so hard for people to just post Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise?

well apparently to hard for some.


ok here is your answer than


I see both coutner-clockwise and clockwise rotations.


seriously this this fake... so I am reporting this as just plain stupid.


wow seriously?

I mean lets just ignore the people that JUST see Clockwise and Anti-Clockwise, sense you see both it's fake..

Here's the sites link.

It's not fake, you might have a cemical imbalance


also even if it was "fake" as you claim, it's posted in the off-topic section, were far many pointless threads have been left alone.


it is fake actually because there are a few random frames in there of her spinning a different direction. All one needs to do is look away and try not to focus on the image and your brain will pick up the frames that make her spin one direction and than focusing on her instantly makes you focus on the frames that make her spin clockwise.

Also your left side of your brain controls the right eye while the right side controls your left. Just use the image in the main post and look at the links and form posts but try to notice whats going on in the corner of your right eye than look to the right of the screen.


It's not fake. I can only see Clockwise, I've tried everything to make it spin in a diffrent direction, looked away, thought of half empty half full glass ideas, Nothing. I seen it flicker when trying to think of a math problem tho.

It's a mind trick, not some way to trick people.

Quote from reply on site:

"This is just too bizarre for words. I was suspicious whether this could even work, but when I looked at the image at the same time with another person and they saw the figure spin in the opposite direction as me, I began to believe it might work. I can get the figure to change directions.

My son discovered the same thing. He saw the figure spin clockwise, but his college roommate could get the figure to reverse direction when he'd think of a math problem. My eldest brother sees the figure flipping back and forth fairly rapidly, and my artist son only sees it spin clockwise."

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

It only spins count clockwise. But my mom said it only spins clockwise. Stupid thing. This must be like that optical illusion drawing where its two things at once. If you see both, it flips back and forth between the two. THis must be a #D one somehow, and I'm only seeing one side.

I took tons of picture using screen capture. She slowly moves in a counter clockwise direction frame by frame.

Hawkeye said:
I took tons of picture using screen capture. She slowly moves in a counter clockwise direction frame by frame.

you should post them pics to see what other people see


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This is some sort of explanation. I will se if I can get it to go the otehr way now...

I see both counter-clockwise and clockwise rotations.


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Angel_DwK said:
I see both counter-clockwise and clockwise rotations.


Same ... Initially I saw counter-clockwise but it only took a couple seconds to visualize it going the other way.

" So what does the spinning dancer tell us? The whole test is more of an optical illusion than anything else, according to Steven Novella, an academic clinical neurologist at Yale University School of Medicine who blogs on NeuroLogica. When our brains process visual images to make some order or sense of the world, they have to make assumptions. The dancer is just a two dimensional image switching back and forth, but our brains process it as a three dimensional spinning object. "


well Duh!

It's an optical illusion that when you stare at, tells what the mind is thinking, or the info it's gathering, it's not fake, just a way to gather information.

I know this site is all about analyzing everything, but i mean damn... off-topic, fun Image test, would be better with simple Clockwise / Anti-Clockwise answer.

Instead of:  long disscusions, this is fake, or reporting this thread posts.



PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

I can flip it around.

I can make it spin clockwise when thinking of a math problem.

This is fake. This is an optical illusion. Anecdote is not the plural from of data.

Well, there's my input.

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