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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop

Flop is harsh, but given the marketing push behind LBP I'm sure Sony is disappointed with the results.

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i dont think little big planet is a flop i think it will have legs and that would be the reason for high sales mqaybe not as high as many had hoped for but u can never really tell how the mass audiance accepts a new creative game

Calling LBP a flop is a joke. Maybe re-checking the definition of flop would help. It's funny how most people on these forums measure a games success by how much hype its fans here made. Who gives a flying fuck if people here were predicting 10 million sales first day!

I'd bet that if and when some other producer (I won't say which, think of a random one notorious for copying others' ideas and pretending they are its own ) will release a bad clone of LBP, arse-lickers will swarm around the web praising the new, revolutionary "creative platformer" idea like the Holy Gospel of Gaming

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Remember 1upd's article on how uncharted flop after the NPD came out last year

I see deja vu here.

1.5 Million by the end of they year....RIGHT ON TARGET so far...especially as ioi said LBP has increased in sales for the black friday week....which means another 100K+ week in sales.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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I love how some of the PS3 fanboys are jumping hard to compare LBP sales to games in the 360, lol. But hey, apparently MS and its followers claimed that the afore mentioned games were going to sell millions and push hardware beyond Wii sales :D

P.S. LBP is a flop :)

The game is a flop. To annoying and irritating for children. The reviews where paid for by advertising dollars to Gamspot, IGn , ETC and the comment sites like would just delete any negative comment leaving only positive one's.

The controls are bad and the word is out. People arent getting tricked into HYPE as much anymore. The forums are fixed and people are catching on.

Its also way to short and most user generated material doesnt work right and isnt that fun which limite the game play value to about 1 day.

oh dear

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Ender said:
Flop is harsh, but given the marketing push behind LBP I'm sure Sony is disappointed with the results.

I don't know about this. I still have not seen a LBP commercial. Sony said they would get behind it once they saw how well it did. I do not recall seeing anything related to how much they spent on an ad campaign, nor did I see any huge "to-do's". If you can show this marketing push, I'm sure it will make a much better argument for the "pro-flop" side of the argument, but nobody has this figure, and the only stuff I have seen that even resembles a "marketing push" is a bunch of press releases that got popularized by this and many other gaming sites.



darthdevidem01 said:
oh dear
