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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop


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I wouldn't call it a failure when all things indicate even in the current economic situation and despite stiff competition from Both Microsoft and Nintendo PS3 has sold well and by all accounts LBP has as well.

How much has LBP helped PS3 remains to be seen but I wouldn't judge on a couple of weeks when the biggest holdiay shopping season has just begun. An article like this would be appropriate 2 mionths from now when we have more data.


Flop or not, Im surprised this game sold so poorly in Japan. It had less than a 50K launch. And this shit was heavily advertised. They were running video ads on the train which is usually only done for the Wii. They also sold it bundled. After seeing all the commercials and what not I would have bought were I to own a PS3. I does look fun.

PS3 + 1 game + tax = $700+
there is your initial cost to play ps3 back then.

Pk9394 said:
PS3 + 1 game + tax = $700+
there is your initial cost to play ps3 back then.


 oh.. so now when we talk about console costs we have to include tax and games into the price? we never have in the past and wont start now. (Also funny how you did it for higher end model. What about the 20gigger? Initial cost would be lower then and the consumer could decide to spend more for an upgrade)

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To say Little Big Planet flopped is like saying Wii Music flopped.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is the best Zelda title ever made.

"The Person Who Got the Closest to Winning the 1st VGC VC Giveaway, but still lost"

As far as I know, most of the guys who played beta beloved the game and bought it.

Play my LittleBigLove level: search keywords "LittleBigLove realil"

LJ (Russian):

oxford-gamer said:
To say Little Big Planet flopped is like saying Wii Music flopped.


im trying to figure out if you are suggesting that Wii music wasnt a flop.....








Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)


@Max King of the Wild

Unfortunately for you the PS3 has retailed in some markets in excess of $700 USD. So your argument is utterly irrelevant. Be thankful you do not live in Singapore, Mexico, or in Scandinavia. Those poor bastards had the screws put to them. Here is a handy chart. That while not complete is still relatively competent for our purposes.


Yes the game was overly hyped by Sony loyalists across the web. They billed it as the second coming of Christ. Even though they were routinely warned about doing this. However they should not have needed warning in the first place. How many times have they oversold a game only to have it crash and burn on launch. You would think that a great many of them would learn to manage their own expectations, and learn something about hedging. There is a difference between saying something could do something reasonable, and stating something as a fact.

When you do the latter, and it proves false. You really deserve to be slapped upside the head. That is how your going to learn humility. Though I am starting to think it will never sink in. I am not bashing the game I think it is probably a very good game for what it is, and that is a niche title. That alone limited the sales, and if you thought this game would outperform Galaxy you really were living in some kind of dream world. That game hit just over a million. That with it being a renowned twenty year old franchise. On a console more geared to platform gaming. Built by one of the top teams in the industry. Yes a great many Sony loyalists all over the place screamed that it could be done, and would be done easily.

Wow, harsh article. The guy seems to be out to derail sony at any chance. Can't take him seriously. NEXT

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