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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop

LBP was not huge after all.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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leo-j said:

Well yes sales wise GTA IV, and Halo 3 wont be cought by MGS4, that is true, as for gaming experience I can say MGS4 is by far a greater experience than both those games "combined" IN MY OPINION.

As for LBP, I wouldnt say its a flop considerirng its sales are increasing from last week, and its selling 100k+ a week, if this trend were to continue, it should hit 2 million maybe 3 by the end of the year imo.


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sega4life said:

Interesting read from




  LittleBigPlanet would probably be considered the biggest, most anticipated game of the year for the PS3. Fans were estatic about the game; gaming blogs and publications were already hailing Sackboy and Sackgirl as the next Mario and Luigi; and Sony seemed to put enough interest into the game to promote it as the next mascot-based title for the PlayStation brand. However, things didn't seem to look quite as grand when the NPD results were released, and LittleBigPlanet looked more like a single-A title rather than a triple-A system seller.

While Sony managed to move more than 200,000 units of the game for the PS3 -- which is impressive if it were a game made by a no-name developer and published by an even lesser known publisher -- it looks a little bleak when compared to the million-units-sold mark that Gears of War 2, Far Cry 2, GTA IV and other titles managed to achieve within a few weeks. 



Umm did they forget about MGS4?

Also, Far Cry 2?  The same Far Cry 2 that didn't make the top 10 despite coming out earlier than LBP (besides the retailers who sold it early)?  And is barely above LBP on the PS3 and 360 combined, despite having a couple extra weeks in others.

Its funny 210,000 in 4 days, and they act as if its been a month of sales, since they are comparing "Weeks" of GTA IV, GEARS 2, Farcry 2 sales.



OK LOOK little big planet is 40k short of outselling FAR CRY 2 both versions combined

so it outsold the 360 version
and the ps3 version
just not combined which is good for a new IP

lol far cry 2 didnt even hit a million

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It's quite too biased, to take it seriously. Sure LBP didn't do as much as i like too, but calling it flop, is crap.

This is a title that will be driven by word of mouth. It's also the kind of game that parents will buy for a gift, especially this time of year.

I would bet it sells more in November and December in NA than it did in October.

kutasek said:
It's quite too biased, to take it seriously. Sure LBP didn't do as much as i like too, but calling it flop, is crap.


are you serious?

For the (hype) surrounding this game, not to mention the endless "Will be huge" posts and sig, sigs. (not just on this site)

It can be easily considered a flop.

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lets hope


whatever said:
This is a title that will be driven by word of mouth. It's also the kind of game that parents will buy for a gift, especially this time of year.

I would bet it sells more in November and December in NA than it did in October.


I think that one of the main points of the article was that word of mouth killed any huge sales it could have had. 25,000 beta keys gave it a fair shot at word-of-mouth opportunity.

I hope it does sell well. Sony did its best to create a developer-like environment for the masses and I respect that. Unfortunately, the consumer is not reacting to it the way Sony hoped.


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