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Forums - Sony Discussion - R2 Ending Discussion ** SPOILERS **

If you haven't finished Resistance 2, do yourself a favor and stop reading!


   First off, let me say that I like the way the story is told in R2.  The first person aspect of not having all the information, not having things explained to you, and I'm pretty sure you are actually lied to at one point in the game.  I found the story very intiguing and it is one of the few games that i actually took the time to play through twice.  I also like the fact that you gain insight into the story through playing the co-op. 

   The Ending:  I personally think Nathan Hale is actually dead, and the story in the 3rd Resistance will hinge around another character, possibly Cappelli.  The whole transporting the earth thing mystified me on my first play through, but I think the Chimeran are possibly reclaiming territory that was fought over long ago.  The chimeran were fighting on the Earth long ago, and it seems at the end of the last war, the planet was teleported (possibly in a last ditch effort to survive) and lost.  Now that it has been found, the Chimeran are taking it back. 

  It would also seem the Earth houses a weapon of some sort, that the Chimera are attempting to assemble.  Perhaps they are still fighting a war on another front,and the Earth is their trump card.  It will be interesting to see where Insomniac takes this story line with R3.

  Your thoughts?

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well first,I too think hale is dead.but i dont want to play as capelli.he's ok as a character,but he isnt hale. I think insomniac kinda cornered themselves with capelli shooting hale(but was awesome).

Second,I thought the planet looking thing in the backround was a portal of some sort,i didnt think the entire Earth teleported.

Third,Just the beginning...god only knows what that means.



"It was an honour, sir"  is a great last line to the game.

Have you played much of the Co-op? I do think the Earth has been transported.  There are small hints in the campaign, and much better ones in the co-op mission updates.  There is, however, no explanation as to WHY.

Epoch said:

"It was an honour, sir"  is a great last line to the game.

Have you played much of the Co-op? I do think the Earth has been transported.  There are small hints in the campaign, and much better ones in the co-op mission updates.  There is, however, no explanation as to WHY.

Ah,im a level 7 spec ops,but i dont pay too much attention to the mission updates,or what they are saying.Well now i will pay more attention.So lets say the earth was transported,was the sphere behing hale the Chimeran homeworld?(originally i thought it was a portal).

EDIT: Also,R3 maybe could be a prequel to the original chimeran war on earth? id play it.



Damstr8 said:
Epoch said:

"It was an honour, sir"  is a great last line to the game.

Have you played much of the Co-op? I do think the Earth has been transported.  There are small hints in the campaign, and much better ones in the co-op mission updates.  There is, however, no explanation as to WHY.

Ah,im a level 7 spec ops,but i dont pay too much attention to the mission updates,or what they are saying.Well now i will pay more attention.So lets say the earth was transported,was the sphere behing hale the Chimeran homeworld?(originally i thought it was a portal).


The sky at the end of the game definitely shows a foreign object up there, and it appears to have been blasted into pieces.  Not too sure if it the Chimeran homeworld as there is very little information to tell us anything about it.  Although if the earth has been transported, I'd say the human race is screwed. 

The co-op mission updates are displayed at the loading screen, and give you a broader insight into whats happening in the rest of the world while Hale is about his business in the campaign.  Worth a read while loading the mission

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Maybe the human race will have no choice but to turn and the humans that are infected but haven't turned like Capelli will help the chimera fight another race.

Epoch said:
Damstr8 said:
Epoch said:

"It was an honour, sir"  is a great last line to the game.

Have you played much of the Co-op? I do think the Earth has been transported.  There are small hints in the campaign, and much better ones in the co-op mission updates.  There is, however, no explanation as to WHY.

Ah,im a level 7 spec ops,but i dont pay too much attention to the mission updates,or what they are saying.Well now i will pay more attention.So lets say the earth was transported,was the sphere behing hale the Chimeran homeworld?(originally i thought it was a portal).


The sky at the end of the game definitely shows a foreign object up there, and it appears to have been blasted into pieces.  Not too sure if it the Chimeran homeworld as there is very little information to tell us anything about it.  Although if the earth has been transported, I'd say the human race is screwed. 

The co-op mission updates are displayed at the loading screen, and give you a broader insight into whats happening in the rest of the world while Hale is about his business in the campaign.  Worth a read while loading the mission

I think the object falling apart is the chimeran homeworld,if i remember correctly,one the intels say that the chimeran virus was found by the russians from a meteor. im guessing the meteor was one of the peices that were falling apart?Maybe from the previous chimeran war.




Thechalkblock said:
Maybe the human race will have no choice but to turn and the humans that are infected but haven't turned like Capelli will help the chimera fight another race.


I'd rather see them join forces with the other guys to fight against the Chimeran.  Although there don't seem to be many people left alive at the end of R2 to carry on the fight

Thechalkblock said:
Maybe the human race will have no choice but to turn and the humans that are infected but haven't turned like Capelli will help the chimera fight another race.

I would hate that,Especially after listening to Henry Stillmans Horror stories of what they chimera do to people.




Damstr8 said:
Epoch said:
Damstr8 said:
Epoch said:

"It was an honour, sir"  is a great last line to the game.

Have you played much of the Co-op? I do think the Earth has been transported.  There are small hints in the campaign, and much better ones in the co-op mission updates.  There is, however, no explanation as to WHY.

Ah,im a level 7 spec ops,but i dont pay too much attention to the mission updates,or what they are saying.Well now i will pay more attention.So lets say the earth was transported,was the sphere behing hale the Chimeran homeworld?(originally i thought it was a portal).


The sky at the end of the game definitely shows a foreign object up there, and it appears to have been blasted into pieces.  Not too sure if it the Chimeran homeworld as there is very little information to tell us anything about it.  Although if the earth has been transported, I'd say the human race is screwed. 

The co-op mission updates are displayed at the loading screen, and give you a broader insight into whats happening in the rest of the world while Hale is about his business in the campaign.  Worth a read while loading the mission

I think the object falling apart is the chimeran homeworld,if i remember correctly,one the intels say that the chimeran virus was found by the russians from a meteor. im guessing the meteor was on of the peices that were falling apart?Maybe from the previous chimeran war.


Interesting.  I thought perhaps the Meteor was sent out by the chimerans to find earth, and bring it back.  It apparently started with the Tunguska Event (a real occurence) where a meteor struck the earth in Siberia, leveling hundreds of square kilometers of trees. 

Also I think the idea of the next Resistance being a prequel would be pretty damn sweet.