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If you haven't finished Resistance 2, do yourself a favor and stop reading!


   First off, let me say that I like the way the story is told in R2.  The first person aspect of not having all the information, not having things explained to you, and I'm pretty sure you are actually lied to at one point in the game.  I found the story very intiguing and it is one of the few games that i actually took the time to play through twice.  I also like the fact that you gain insight into the story through playing the co-op. 

   The Ending:  I personally think Nathan Hale is actually dead, and the story in the 3rd Resistance will hinge around another character, possibly Cappelli.  The whole transporting the earth thing mystified me on my first play through, but I think the Chimeran are possibly reclaiming territory that was fought over long ago.  The chimeran were fighting on the Earth long ago, and it seems at the end of the last war, the planet was teleported (possibly in a last ditch effort to survive) and lost.  Now that it has been found, the Chimeran are taking it back. 

  It would also seem the Earth houses a weapon of some sort, that the Chimera are attempting to assemble.  Perhaps they are still fighting a war on another front,and the Earth is their trump card.  It will be interesting to see where Insomniac takes this story line with R3.

  Your thoughts?