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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just played Gears 1 for the first time wow!

I have had my ps3 over 1year and just purchased a xbox360 PrO with 60 dollar gift card on blck friday.

Gears 1 is good considering its 2 years old I wonder how much better 2 is.


This game is almost as good as MGS4 .......

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If you love Gears you'll think Gears 2 is gaming heaven.

It pretty much fixed all the problems with Gears and then just made everything bigger and more badass.

I know, I started playing in June when I got my Xbox and it is fantastic

When I first played ay back when it first came out, it blew my mind. I swear I've spent at least 100-200 hours on multiplayer. In other words a DAMN LOT.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

I still never played Gears 2 yet ither, I cannot wait because Gears 1 was amazing! My friend has it and he tells me everyday how good it is =P

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I still go back and play Gears 1 quite a bit. One of my favorite games.

It is good i was shocked I thought it was hype  the graphics even looks good, me of the controlls are weird but very similiar to MGS4...lets just hope my XBox does not get prolli gonna pick Gears 2 up this week...


Fav Games

MGS4 and HAlo 3

COD4/5 ps3


Yeah Gears is definetley in a league of it's own.

Shadowblind said:

When I first played ay back when it first came out, it blew my mind. I swear I've spent at least 100-200 hours on multiplayer. In other words a DAMN LOT.

Did you come close to getting the Seriously achievement?

OP: Like someone else said, if you love Gears then part 2 will probably be gaming heaven for you, absolutely bliss. Glad to see people giving older games a try!


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Gears 1 renewed my love for gaming. It's that good.