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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil creator "probably won't play" Resident Evil 5

I like the first 3 series. those thrilling feel.
I agree with him, the next game need a lot of change.

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4lc0h0l said:
DMeisterJ said:
It's not 'more shootery'.

It's as shootery as RE4 was. People loved that game. >_>

Lots of people are spewing RE hate because of the negative comments made about this game coming to the Wii, IMO. If this were a Wii exclusive game, I'm sure we'd hear nothing but good news about it. Now it's 'just another shooter'. Even though you can't move and shoot at the same time :S


 i didnt like RE4 and i am a fan of the series



God,i hate who ruined my franchise as much as john cleese hate communists:

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

It looks like a carbon copy of RE4, which means it's gauranteed GOTY '09 :)

Who cares if it's nothing like old school RE when it looks this awesome?

If they port one more junky RE game to Wii and not fully port it to 360/PS3 with updated graphics and weapons its gonna be trouble!

Resident Evil 4 is one of the best games of all time.

Resident Evil 5 is a mediocre game that try to copy RE4 but fails. Re5 is not worth the hype.

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I'll buy it if it comes to the Wii, and if it doesn't I'll probably even buy it when I get a PS3, because it still looks like a good shooter.

But it's no survival horror

z101 said:
Resident Evil 4 is one of the best games of all time.

Resident Evil 5 is a mediocre game that try to copy RE4 but fails. Re5 is not worth the hype.



Have you played RE5? Why is it so mediocre? :)

Too bad, the series was f-ing hardcore. Not anymore. I blame Wii Fit.

RE4 was fantastic, the gameplay was flawless and the pacing was perfect. It still was survival horror, there's plenty of stressful situations like when you're in the prison with those giant insects, when Asley has to operate the cranks and you have to protect her while you yourself are assailed by zombies. Also, regenerators scare the shit out of me (the sound they make and how quick they jump at you if you blow their legs off).

So my hopes are still up for RE5, if they manage to keep it in RE4's spirit, I'll be very happy.

Signature goes here!

RE4 is an amazing game and RE5 will be just as amazing if not better, but it's a TPS full of action now. That's not a bad thing, but Dead space proved that you can be a TPS and still be scary.I personally think RE5 will be the best selling game in the series, but that's just my opinion.