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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What ruined sonic unleashed

I dunno, Duck.

I don't think Unleashed is that great. It's definitely a right step in direction though. And I can see why people are fustrated with this game.



And yes, I agree that Sonic 06 is a big peice of shit. Game Informer apparently rated it higher than Secret Rings and Unleashed. (wtf)

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Roflinator said:
Smashchu2 said:
RolStoppable said:
Nothing ruined Sonic Unleashed, at least not the Wii version. The Werehog actually isn't that bad and definitely not bad enough to offset the greatness of the Sonic levels which are totally awesome.

While there are far more main Werehog levels than Sonic levels, there are plenty more Sonic missions. Getting S ranks is much harder in the Sonic levels, so you spend more time playing them. In the Werehog levels I got an S rank in most levels the first time I played them.

Progressing through the game feels annoying at times though, because there are always at least three Werehog levels right after each other, one of them takes between five and ten minutes to go through, while a Sonic level on average lasts about five minutes.

I assume you speaking about the Wii version yes?

I have heard there are more werehog leve;s in the Wii version. Is just there are more required werehog levels?


The required Day stages takes 4 or 5 minutes per country. The required Night stages takes like...20-30 minutes.


The quantity of the day and night stages are almost equal. Except, Act 2 and Act 3 of the Day stages are half assed attempts to be new acts. Act 2 is just COLLECT RINGS IN SOME SECTION FROM ACT 1 (admitly fun, but still half ass). And Act 3 is basically Act 1 modified with stupid conditions like "DONT BREAK THE JARS!" (Which was lame).


This isn't to say the game is awful, it's actually pretty fun if you can enjoy the Werehog stages. But I really think Sega (or atleast Dimps) could of have done much better with this game.


Wait, the X360 version of the game has completely different acts for acts 2 and 3, while the Wii one has the same ones w/ rings?

I am having trouble deciding which game to get, and I can't wait (I think my mom wants to get it for me for christmas). The main differences are:

- Of Course the X360 has better graphics
- I have heard the X360 version of the game has terrible controls
- I have heard the Wii has good Daytime Wiimote controls
- I have heard the Wii version has terrible Nightime contols, but you can use the GC/CC Controller instead
- The 360 has 2 extra levels
- The Wii has 6 extra stages, which are all daytime stages (I don't care about werehog stages)
- The Wii version has an extra drift mechanic

I need help deciding

If the 360 version has terrible controls, then that sounds pretty bad.

I'd go with the version that has better controls.

I've never played the 360 version, but the Wii version has fantastic control for daytime. The nighttime controls are ungodly terrible though. Its fixed to a degree with the GC controller though.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Well, if the two games are different enough, I may eventually buy a second version, but for now, I can only get one...

I've seen a ton of different sites saying opposite things...

And on Metacritic, The only actual comparative review between the two is from Game Informer (Blech), and they said the Wii version is better than the 360 version, but only by 1/2 a point.

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From what I hear, Playing as SONIC is awesome, playing as the werehog is a pain...

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