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Forums - Sony Discussion - I've given up on Sony taking 2nd place

Forget the X360 and PS3 caus the Wii is where it's at.
The 360 is crushing the PS3 due to lower price but they both sell at a loss.
It's the case of pure genius Wii can sell at a large profit Why is it because it has an intuitive interface, good framerates in all games and fun and easy to use.
While the HD consoles are still using a controller which is essentially a piece of history which belongs in a meuseum from the 1980's. - At least the X360 controller got a new paint job and bog but you can't avoid the fact it's still the same piece of junk.
The Mouse on my PC is easier faster and more accurate than those old thumbstick controllers for all FPS games - the only thing which can really try to match it is the Wii-mote.
So am actually really happy to see the PS360 getting thrashed by the Wii.
Just cause i own a PS3 does not mean i think it's good - fact is a console is worthless without good software and so far there has been nothing but sub-standard titles which would or DO play and work better on a good PC.

PS3 number 1 fan

Around the Network

maybe it is a failure that sony come out with the blu ray thing.
DVD is already good enough for us, because now most of people dose not give a dame thing about blu ray.

stephen700 said:
Forget the X360 and PS3 caus the Wii is where it's at.
The 360 is crushing the PS3 due to lower price but they both sell at a loss.
It's the case of pure genius Wii can sell at a large profit Why is it because it has an intuitive interface, good framerates in all games and fun and easy to use.
While the HD consoles are still using a controller which is essentially a piece of history which belongs in a meuseum from the 1980's. - At least the X360 controller got a new paint job and bog but you can't avoid the fact it's still the same piece of junk.
The Mouse on my PC is easier faster and more accurate than those old thumbstick controllers for all FPS games - the only thing which can really try to match it is the Wii-mote.
So am actually really happy to see the PS360 getting thrashed by the Wii.
Just cause i own a PS3 does not mean i think it's good - fact is a console is worthless without good software and so far there has been nothing but sub-standard titles which would or DO play and work better on a good PC.


Okay, well lets not get into the HD Concoles VS Wii thing, because they are not even in the same categories.

And as far as I know, neither HD console is selling at a loss.  I'm not 100% sure on the PS3, but the 360 does turn a profit (mostly because of LIVE subscription, and attachment rates).  And even if the 360 is selling at a loss, we all know MS doesn't care.  They are looking to the future, and market saturation is worth a loss to them.

And the whole arguement of keyboard vs controller is simply a matter of preference... to each his/her own.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Comrade Tovya said:


Okay, well lets not get into the HD Concoles VS Wii thing, because they are not even in the same categories.

I find it hilarious when the goalposts are moved in this way.

Just think about it this way... If the 360 or PS3 were destroying the Wii, would you still be saying that? Did GC/Xbox fans say that about the PS2 in the last gen?

They're all consoles, and they're all competing for gamers' attention. It just happens that the Wii captures attention from all the audiences to a high extent, unlike the HD consoles.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
Comrade Tovya said:


Okay, well lets not get into the HD Concoles VS Wii thing, because they are not even in the same categories.

I find it hilarious when the goalposts are moved in this way.

Just think about it this way... If the 360 or PS3 were destroying the Wii, would you still be saying that? Did GC/Xbox fans say that about the PS2 in the last gen?

They're all consoles, and they're all competing for gamers' attention. It just happens that the Wii captures attention from all the audiences to a high extent, unlike the HD consoles.



No, no, don't paint me into a corner.  I own and buy games for all 3 consoles... and I like each of them a lot.

But, the games that are released for Wii are largely not the same as the releases that are on the PS3 & 360.  The HD consoles are going after a whole different corner of the market than Nintendo.  Nintendo's own CEO said this himself, so where is the arguement?

As for the comment that the Wii "attention from all the audiences to a high extent", it's completely unfounded.  It has been shown time and time again that Wii buyers don't buy as many games or spend as much time on their consoles as PS3 & 360 users do.  Why?  Nintendo pursued the casual gamer, and hence makes around $100 per console sold.  They have to make money on their console because they aren't selling games.

MS & Sony cut their price-to-console-cost very closely, because they are making their money on the large quantity of games being sold (the attach rate) and in MS' case, XBOX LIVE subscription costs. 

I'm sorry, but as much as I enjoy my Wii, it's not even in the same category as my two HD consoles.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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The market disagrees:

1- The PS3 and 360 combined are selling at lower levels than the consoles of the previous generation (on a time aligned basis) even if you ignore the Gamecube.
2- The tie-ratio of the Wii and PS3 are very similar, in Europe the Wii actually beats the PS3 with this metric.

Sure, the Wii is also appealing to a new audience, but does that put it in a separate category?

PS: I'd like to know how you figured how much time Wii owners spend on their consoles.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I don't really care who ends up with 2nd place as long as the awesome 1st party games keep on rolling and the 3rd parties go multi-platform.

NJ5 said:

The market disagrees:

1- The PS3 and 360 combined are selling at lower levels than the consoles of the previous generation (on a time aligned basis) even if you ignore the Gamecube.
2- The tie-ratio of the Wii and PS3 are very similar, in Europe the Wii actually beats the PS3 with this metric.

Sure, the Wii is also appealing to a new audience, but does that put it in a separate category?

PS: I'd like to know how you figured how much time Wii owners spend on their consoles.



No.  Listen to what I said.  The games dual released on the PS3 & 360 are largely copies of one another.  The games that are released on the Wii (even if they are released on the HD consoles) are not the same.  Totally different market.  Nintendo, even prior to release when the Wii was still tagged "Revolution", openly admitted that they weren't going after the hardcore gamer.  They admitted that there were too many consoles of the market pursuing the same type of gamer.  Their orginal strategy from day one was to pursue to casual gamer with something completely different.  This is not me talking, this was Nintendo saying such.

Don't get me wrong, Sony & MS would love to capture the casual gamer as well, but it isn't going to happen.  That's Nintendo's niche for this generation, and it was a brilliant strategy.

And of course, Nintendo won't capture the hardcore gamer either, because it's just not that kind of console.  They'll try that next gen.

My only gripe with Nintendo and my Wii from day one is the lack of quality titles for the console.  Most of the time, I find that my Wii has simply replaced my GameCube in playing my old titles.  This is really a negative thing considering the amazing market saturation of the Wii. 

As for time of playing per console, every user is different.  But as we all agree, the Wii is not geared towards the hardcore gamer.  The hardcore gamer by definition spends ungodly amounts of hours per week on their console.  It's not me saying that the Wii is not a hardcore gamer system, it was by Nintendo's own strategy and self proclaimed definition that I know this to be true.  Besides, nearly all of my friends and family members are tri-console owners, and most of them don't spend nearly as many hours on their Wii as their HD console(s).  Why?  Because there is a serious lack of quality titles for the Wii.  Most Wii owners know this to be true as well (I'm one of them).


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


You're shooting bullets in all the directions, I was just looking for a clear reason to put the Wii in another category. I take it from your latest post that you gave up on the "time spent playing" and "software sold ratio" angles, so your point is that Nintendo's and 3rd parties decisions put it in another category?

Show me a single declaration from Nintendo which says that hardcore gamers aren't targeted by the Wii. Show me something concrete which supports your statements.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I'm not going to rule them out for 2nd place just yet.

I honestly believe they have something up their sleeves; if they don't then bad on me.

I'm not giving up hope.

  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.