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NJ5 said:
Comrade Tovya said:


Okay, well lets not get into the HD Concoles VS Wii thing, because they are not even in the same categories.

I find it hilarious when the goalposts are moved in this way.

Just think about it this way... If the 360 or PS3 were destroying the Wii, would you still be saying that? Did GC/Xbox fans say that about the PS2 in the last gen?

They're all consoles, and they're all competing for gamers' attention. It just happens that the Wii captures attention from all the audiences to a high extent, unlike the HD consoles.



No, no, don't paint me into a corner.  I own and buy games for all 3 consoles... and I like each of them a lot.

But, the games that are released for Wii are largely not the same as the releases that are on the PS3 & 360.  The HD consoles are going after a whole different corner of the market than Nintendo.  Nintendo's own CEO said this himself, so where is the arguement?

As for the comment that the Wii "attention from all the audiences to a high extent", it's completely unfounded.  It has been shown time and time again that Wii buyers don't buy as many games or spend as much time on their consoles as PS3 & 360 users do.  Why?  Nintendo pursued the casual gamer, and hence makes around $100 per console sold.  They have to make money on their console because they aren't selling games.

MS & Sony cut their price-to-console-cost very closely, because they are making their money on the large quantity of games being sold (the attach rate) and in MS' case, XBOX LIVE subscription costs. 

I'm sorry, but as much as I enjoy my Wii, it's not even in the same category as my two HD consoles.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
