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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who here is tired of 'Sony/PS3 IZ DOOMEDZ' threads?

I was in two different Best Buys this weekend. Both had large piles of PS3 lining the aisles leading back to the games and HDTVs. At one of them there were PS3s stacked three high all the way around the customer service area. There were PS3s in front of every HDTV.

Then I looked in the PS3 game aisle. In fact, I checked two or three times. Not ONCE did I see anyone looking at PS3 games. That section of the aisle was literally devoid of any customers. Were there people looking at PS2 games? Oh, hell yes there were. Tons.

Then I went over to the 360 aisle to look for Tomb Raider: Underworld. I couldn't get in. I actually had to wait to be able to get in there to look for my game. There was no way to walk, browse, anything. The Wii aisle was the same way. In fact, I never did get into that aisle to look at anything. A salesman ended up going to the back and just getting me a copy of Tomb Raider from the backstock.

I asked salespeople about console inventory at both Best Buys. Obviously, neither had any Wiis in stock. One of them had less than ten 360s total, and I'm talking about all three models combined. One of them was all sold out of arcades and had 9 Pros left and one Elite.

Now, does this mean the PS3 is a bad console? No. Does it mean that it's dead? No. But it is in very serious trouble. Best Buy is literally stacking PS3s in front of your face just about everywhere you go in the store, and people STILL aren't buying them up.

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Like so many other threads in here I simply ignore them! Problem solved!